Vietnam's Impressive Multilateral Diplomacy in Human Rights

2021 is a dynamic year for Vietnam at multilateral forums on human rights.
February 10, 2022 | 14:32
Vietnam's Impressive Multilateral Diplomacy in Human Rights
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dang Hoang Giang speaking at the second draft voluntary mid-term report on the implementation of UPR third cycle recommendations. Photo: VNA

In 2021, multilateralism with the United Nations (UN) plays a central role, continuing to be the foundation for strengthening international cooperation to address global and regional challenges. In that process, aspects related to human rights are discussed at multilateral mechanisms and forums.

There is also fierce strategic competition between major countries and the tendency to politicize human rights issues at forums, making it difficult for small and medium-sized countries to implement policies.

Ensuring people fully enjoy their rights during Covid-19

In Vietnam, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are still present in all aspects of socio-economic and people's lives. The pandemic has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people, increased poverty rates and put great pressure on the country's macroeconomics.

The enjoyment of people's rights is affected, especially in living, traveling, studying, and livelihoods due to social distancing in many places to prevent and control the pandemic.

In that challenging context, our Party and State have always persevered and steadfastly adhered to the transparent, consistent and progressive policy of ensuring human rights.

The document of the 13th Party Congress has defined the goal of "Arousing the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country". In which, it affirms that “The people are the center and the subject of the renovation, construction and defense of the Fatherland; all policies must derive from the people's life, aspirations, rights and legitimate interests, take the people's happiness and well-being as a goal to strive for".

Vietnam has achieved encouraging results, recognized by the international community. The pandemic is basically under control across the country, the death rate from Covid-19 has decreased significantly.

As of the beginning of February 2022, the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 has exceeded 180 million doses, the rate of 2nd injection for people 12 years of age and older reached 95.5%, 3rd dose for people 18 years of age and older reached 25%.

Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, Vietnam's economic growth has reached 2.58% in 2021 and is forecasted by the World Bank to return to between 6.5 and 7% from 2022 onwards.

Vietnam's Impressive Multilateral Diplomacy in Human Rights
Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung attended the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Dialogue. Photo: VNA

Imprint of multilateral diplomacy in ensuring human rights

In diplomacy and multilateral diplomacy particularly, Vietnam is implementing new tasks set out at the 13th Party Congress and Directive 25 on August 8, 2018, by the Secretariat. The directive is on raising the level of multilateral diplomacy, achieving outstanding and substantive results, especially in human rights.

One of the achievements is that Vietnam has drastically, and methodically deployed its vaccine diplomacy strategy, contributing to the goal of free vaccination for the entire population.

2021 is also a dynamic year for Vietnam at multilateral forums on human rights. Vietnam participates and contributes to human rights issues at forums within the framework of the United Nations.

At the beginning of 2021, Vietnam made its first impression at the Summit within the framework of the 46th regular session of the Human Rights Council. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh announced that Vietnam, as a candidate of ASEAN, is participating in the candidacy for a member of the UNSC for the term 2023-2025. Vietnam wishes to contribute to the world's common efforts to protect human rights.

At forums, Vietnam not only focused on priority issues but also strengthened action and contributed solutions and initiatives on non-traditional security issues of common concern, especially in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change.

Vietnam's Impressive Multilateral Diplomacy in Human Rights
Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, Head of Vietnam's Permanent Mission to the United Nations at a discussion session of the UN Human Rights Council, March 2021. Photo: Vietnamese delegation in Geneva, Switzerland

Towards a better future

Impressive achievements in socio-economic development and human rights assurance, along with experiences accumulated from major multilateral diplomacy activities, have created favorable premises and opportunities for Vietnam. This is for Vietnam to accelerate the process of extensive international integration, take advantage of resources to develop the country, better ensure people's lives, enhance the position and prestige of the country.

In 2022 and the following years, Vietnam needs to continue to implement and concretize the Party's guidelines and policies identified at the 13th Party Congress.

At multilateral forums, Vietnam needs to play an active role, spread initiatives, prioritize, and strengthen a people-centered approach, especially in post-Covid recovery efforts and respond to climate change.

Vietnam will also continue to participate in the candidacy for a memberof the UN Security Council for the term 2023-2025, with priorities such as taking care of the rights of vulnerable groups, health rights, education, employment.

Vietnam plans to rise up in the international arena with a dynamic and positive attitude of a reliable and responsible partner of the international community. Vietnam is willing to contribute more to the common work, for a world of peace, cooperation, development, and a better future for mankind.

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