Russian President Putin to Pay State Visit to Vietnam

According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 17, at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam's Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will pay a state visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from June 19-20.
June 18, 2024 | 10:08
People-to-people Diplomacy - Golden key to Enhance Vietnam-Russia Friendship
Vietnam-Russia Relations: Celebrating Years of Close Friendship

The Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) officially established diplomatic relations on January 30, 1950.

On June 16, 1994, Vietnam and the Russian Federation signed the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Russian Federation, laying the foundation and legal basis for relations in the new stage of development.

On March 1, 2001, Vietnam and the Russian Federation signed a Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership. On July 27, 2012, the two countries issued a Joint Statement on Further Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. On November 30, 2021, Vietnam and Russia issued a Joint Statement on the Vision of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership until 2030.

The Vietnam-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership has high political trust and is constantly strengthened. High-level delegation exchanges take place regularly, creating a strong driving force for the development of the two countries' Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Most recently, on March 26, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had a phone call with President Putin after he won the Russian presidential election.

Russian President Putin to Pay State Visit to Vietnam
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Vietnamese General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VNA)

The two sides maintain coordination and dialogue mechanisms such as the annual Foreign Affairs - Defense - Security Strategic Dialogue at the Standing Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs level; Defense Strategy Dialogue at the Deputy Minister of Defense level,... In addition, the two sides conduct regular political consultations at the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affaris level and at the Department levels within the framework of cooperation between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs.

Economic - trade - investment cooperation between the two countries continues to be strengthened. Bilateral trade turnover in 2023 reaches USD 3.63 billion, an increase of 2.3% over the same period in 2022. Regarding investment, Russia has 186 investment projects in Vietnam with a total registered capital of USD 984,98 million (ranked 28/145 countries and territories investing in Vietnam), implemented in 21 localities, in oil and gas, mining, processing industry, and manufacturing,...

Currently, Vietnam has 18 investment projects in Russia, with a total registered capital of USD 1.63 billion (ranking 4th out of 80 countries and territories that receive investment capital from Vietnam), mainly from Rusvietpetro Joint Venture, Hanoi - Moscow Cultural and Trade Center, TH Group's dairy and agricultural projects in Russia.

Energy is also a traditional area of ​​strategic and effective cooperation. In addition to continuing cooperation within the Vietsovpetro Joint Venture framework until 2030, major Russian oil and gas orporations such as Gazprom and Zarubezneft are implementing projects on the Vietnamese continental shelf. In addition, the two countries' oil and gas enterprises are exploring and expanding cooperation into new fields such as electricity and gas, renewable energy...

The two sides share the same views on many international and regional issues, coordinate closely and support each other in international forums such as the United Nations, APEC, ASEM, ARF, CICA... Vietnam and Russia support the full and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (South China Sea) and welcome early efforts to adopt the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea...

Defense and security cooperation is enhanced in the spirit of "trust, substance, effectiveness and comprehensiveness". Russia is Vietnam's leading partner in military technology. Cultural exchange activities are organized regularly, contributing to strengthening understanding and friendship between the two peoples. Education - training and science - technology cooperation continues to receive attention.

Russian President Putin to Pay State Visit to Vietnam
A Vietnam-Russia Cultural Exchange event held by Da Nang Union of Friendship Organizations, November 2023. (Photo: DAFO)

Vietnam and Russia support the full and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and welcome early efforts to adopt the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea...

Defense and security cooperation is enhanced in the spirit of "trust, substance, effectiveness and comprehensiveness." Russia is Vietnam's leading partner in the field of military technology. Cultural exchange activities are organized regularly, contributing to strengthening understanding and friendship between the people of Vietnam and Russia. Education - training and science - technology cooperation continues to receive attention.

Russia continues to support Vietnam in human resource training and awards 1,000 scholarships to Vietnamese students each year. Currently, more than 5,000 Vietnamese students are studying in the Russian Federation. Local cooperation continues to be maintained. About 20 pairs of localities from two side have established relations, notably between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh and Moscow, Saint Petersburg.

The Vietnamese community in the Russian Federation has about 60-80 thousand people, who have made considerable contributions to the Fatherland. Many Vietnamese organizations have been established in Russia.

Since 1991, Vietnam and Russia has signed over 100 cooperation documents in all fields such as economics - trade, investment, oil and gas, nuclear power, education - training, culture - science, and military technology.

Ho Chi Minh City Promotes Effective Vietnam-Russia Economic Cooperation Projects

Ho Chi Minh City Promotes Effective Vietnam-Russia Economic Cooperation Projects

Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) Vo Van Hoan said that the city is one of the leading localities ...

Russia and Vietnam: Soulmates From Across Borders

Russia and Vietnam: Soulmates From Across Borders

Russia has trained millions of students from all over the world, yet Vietnamese students have a special place in the hearts of Russian teacher. Most ...