Thousands join dance for kindness in Ha Noi

A thousand people of different ages joined a dance yesterday at Lý Thái Tổ Square beside Sword Lake in Hà Nội, to celebrate the annual Worldwide Dance for Kindness.
November 14, 2017 | 16:40

A thousand people of different ages joined a dance yesterday at Lý Thái Tổ Square beside Sword Lake in Hà Nội, to celebrate the annual Worldwide Dance for Kindness.

Thousands join dance for kindness in Ha Noi

A thousand people of different ages joined a dance yesterday to celebrate annual Worldwide Dance for Kindness. — Photo

In honour of World Kindness Day (November 13), similar events are also being organised in HCM City, Hải Phòng, Nha Trang, Vinh and the southern province of Vĩnh Long.

The Dance for Kindness event is organised worldwide to inspire, empower and educate people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness. It shows that regardless of differences in race, religion, ethnicity or background - the common thread that unites us all is kindness. The event includes FreezeMobs and FlashMobs. Those participating in the FreezeMob are given a specific kindness position to freeze in and by so doing, giving passersby’s the unique opportunity to notice the kind moments that are in constant motion. In the FlashMob, many people break out in dance.

Yesterday, besides the activities for the Dance for Kindness, participants in Hà Nội also collaborated to clean up the environment and created paintings with the theme of kindness. The paintings were sold to raise funds for flood victims in the central region, according to Đỗ Đức Duẩn, head of the organising board.

“This year we focused on the theme ‘Be kind to the health of yourself and other people’. Accordingly, we should take physical exercises and protect the environment.”

Many celebrities joined the event including Miss Việt Nam 2010 Đặng Ngọc Hân, Miss Global Beauty Queen 2017 Hoàng Thu Thảo and winner of The Voice Kids 2016 Trịnh Nhật Minh.