Training workshop for child protection in community-based disaster risk management

On August 7, in Nho Quan district (Ninh Binh province), the district’s Management Board of Supporting Program for Development coordinated with the district’s Association of People with disabilities organize "Training workshop for child protection in community-based disaster risk management".
August 09, 2019 | 14:45

Training workshop for child protection in community-based disaster risk management

At the event. Photo: AFV

This is an activity within the framework of the project "Promotion of disability-inclusive and disaster prepared communities in Nho Quan", implemented by Aid for social protection program Foundation Vietnam (AFV) and funded by CBM International.

The training workshop attracted the participation of 25 students, 11 men and 14 women, including 21 people with disabilities. Lecturers provided participants with in-depth knowledge of child protection. How will children be affected when disasters come? How to pay special attention to children? The relief work or temporary action when facing undesirable situations in the evacuation of children, ...

Through practical videos, visual teaching tools, and learner-centered teaching methods, participants shared that they felt very helpful. With the basic knowledge they have learned, they can confidently cope with natural disasters, actively take care of themselves and people around them, especially children in the community.

The second phase of the project “Promotion of disability inclusive and disaster prepared communities in Nho Quan” was launched at the People Committee of Nho Quan District on April 25.

The second phase of the project will be implemented in 4 years with the target as people with disability and their community will integrate and adapt better with climate change and hazardous’ impacts.

The project will inclusively connect and contribute to CBM’s initiative about Community Based Initiatives Development (CBID) aiming at Integrated and participatory community provides equal access for people with disability living in poverty; Local authorities and other support service systems effectively participate; Community disaster preparedness./.

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