ActionAid improves reproductive health services for ethnic minorities in Dak Lak

Recently, in Krong Bong district of Dak Lak province, a delegation of the European Union (EU) had a visit to know more about the current results of project "Civil society-led promotion of reproductive healthcare services” (EC4) funded by EU.
November 30, 2018 | 21:26

Recently, in Krong Bong district of Dak Lak province, a delegation of the European Union (EU) had a visit to know more about the current results of project "Civil society-led promotion of reproductive healthcare services” (EC4) funded by EU.

ActionAid improves reproductive health services for ethnic minorities in Dak Lak

The EU delegation visits Krong Bong General Hospital. (Photo: AAV)

The project, funded by ActionAid Vietnam (AAV) and the EU, will provide spaces for civil society organizations-led actions to improve access to quality and gender responsive healthcare services for marginalized groups in ethnic and rural areas of Vietnam.

At the meeting on November 29, Y Thuc Eban, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Krong Bong District shared information on socio-economic and cultural situation in the locality, health policies related to medical examination and treatment of ethnic minorities; some key results from the Krong Bong Local Rights Program (LRP18) projects/programs have been achieved over time; in which Y Thuc emphasized the effectiveness of the project "Civil society-led promotion of reproductive healthcare services” (EC4).

Over 1 year of implementation in the area, there have been positive changes in raising awareness of the community on prevention and medical examination of reproductive-sexual health, community members have ignored language barriers to share information with members of the community.

The delegation then spent time to visit Krong Bong General Hospital, learn about the facilities of the hospital, postpartum care room, medical examination and treatment, the use of community-based hospital health services, specific policies on poor patients and ethnic minorities, etc.

They also exchanged and discussed with the hospital’s board of directors; district People's Committee on sustainable use of state budget resources, the costs of support for patients of ethnic minorities, treatment policy for poor patients, ethnic minorities ... in the local.

Vietnam is also one of the three countries with the highest abortion rates in the world, according to World Health Organization. The demand for reproductive and sexual healthcare is very high, yet those available are inadequate, inaccessible and not gender responsive. The poor people, women and youth in remote areas find it almost impossible to enjoy.

In order to improve access to quality and gender responsive healthcare services for marginalized groups in ethnic and rural areas of Vietnam, the project “Civil society-led promotion of reproductive healthcare services” will be co-implemented by AAV and the EU from July 2017 to July 2021, with the total budget of EUR 800,000 (USD 940,200).

The project aims at 95,320 final beneficiaries, which is equivalent to 60 per cent of women and youth in the two districts of Krong Bong (Dak Lak province) and Lam Ha (Lam Dong province).

The project will encourage the local people to seek out reproductive health and family planning services by making the process more convenient and offering enthusiastic, well-mannered medical staff.

Promoting the role of civil society, the project does not only encourage vulnerable communities to contribute to the local development plan, but also promotes a network of civil society organisations that represent and empower the community and are proactive in policy advocacy at all levels to ensure the rights to quality reproductive healthcare services for ethnic women and youth.

In addition, two sexual and reproductive healthcare clinics will be running by civil social organisations and different from services that are provided by the State and the private sector.

ActionAid Vietnam started implementing programs in the poorest pockets of Vietnam in 1989. So far, AAV has been supporting nearly 30 cities/provinces around the country. AAV’s activities mainly focus on raising awareness and building capacity for poor and vulnerable groups so that they can actively participate in the socio-economic and political lives of their family and community towards sustainable, harmonized and equal development./.

Translated by Minh Chau