Bilingual Media Product Design Competition about Dong Nai Launched

The organizing committee will award 66 prizes with a total value of nearly VND 100 million.
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The Dong Nai Union of Friendship Organizations organizes a bilingual media product design competition about the history, culture, land, and people of Dong Nai. The competition is open to people from all walks of life living in Dong Nai and the Vietnamese community abroad.

According to information at the recent meeting between the Dong Nai Union of Friendship Organizations and relevant units, the competition is divided into 3 groups. Group A are members of friendship associations and the Vietnamese community abroad. Group B are high school students. Group C are university/college students, youth union members, trainees, and people from all walks of life.

Bilingual Media product design competition about Dong Nai Province Launched
Awarding prizes to winning candidates at the 2021 bilingual media product design competition to learn about the history, culture, land, and people of Dong Nai province. Photo:

For Group A, a group of authors or individuals film a bilingual video clip (Vietnamese - English or another language) introducing landscapes, landscapes, Vietnamese history, and friendly relations. Cooperation and activities with people from other countries in the province to introduce to international friends a friendly, dynamic, and sustainably developed Dong Nai. Introduction to activities to preserve the Vietnamese national cultural identity of the Vietnamese community in host countries.

For Groups B and C, a group of authors or individuals film a bilingual video clip, Vietnamese - English or another language, introducing a place, unique cultural and historical features, cuisine, and natural landscape of Dong Nai to international friends.

Each entry will need a maximum length of seven minutes, can be filmed by a camcorder, camera, and phone; at least 720p resolution. Video clips must have footage and illustrations throughout the content. It is allowed to use effects and collages from available video clips on social networks, but must not exceed 20% of the total length of the clip submitted, and must have the author's permission. Groups of authors and individuals must be responsible for ensuring copyright of submitted works.

The organizing committee also noted that the video clip uses captions and subtitles in Vietnamese, English, and the languages ​​of countries where Dong Nai has bilateral friendship associations. Particularly for friendship associations of the province, Vietnamese and the language of the mentioned country must be used; which means voiceovers in Vietnamese must have English subtitles, and voiceovers in English must have Vietnamese subtitles. Meanwhile, documentation in the language of countries with friendship associations must have Vietnamese subtitles or vice versa.

The deadline to submit the entry to the Dong Nai Union of Friendship Organizations of the province at No. 233 Ha Huy Giap, Quyet Thang ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province, is September 30, 2024.

The organizers will award 66 prizes with a total value of nearly VND 100 million (USD 3.940). The winning works will be used by the organizing committee as promotional material in the media channels, at friendly exchange events between countries, educational activities at schools in the province, and people-to-people exchange events for foreign partners visiting and working in Dong Nai province.

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