Cải Lương Theater with cultural flow

A discussion about the future of cải lương with Meritorious Artist Dao Van Trung, Meritorious Artist Phan Ngoc Chi, Meritorious Artist Do Thuc Van, Artist Cao Dang Van, Artist Pham Thi Thuy and Moderator: Musician SonX, will be held on Jun 29 in Hanoi.
June 24, 2019 | 09:50

Cải Lương Theater with cultural flow

This talk, organised by Future of Tradition, named “Cai Luong theater with cultural flow” is the last event in the series of events of the project.

Cai Luong, though was born much later than other types of traditional theater arts in Vietnam such as Tuong, Cheo, etc. but up to now, Cai Luong still stands its value and position. Born and developed in the turbulent period of Vietnamese society, Cai Luong demonstrates special artistic qualities, as well as its engagement to the cultural flow of the nation.

What are the characteristics (origins, costumes, techniques of performing etc.) of Cai Luong? What is its engagement to cultural flow, as well as to Vietnam’s historical fluctuations?

Also, along with the 100-year anniversary of Cai Luong (1918 – 2018), many contemporary art works were born and inspired by this traditional art, which Song Lang movie is a particular. Are such works considered part of the future of tradition? If so, what should be the reception of such works?

“Future of Tradition” is a 4-month project to raise the topic about the traditional art and the application of traditional art in contemporary art practices. The project will be implemented with a series of intensive talks with artists/artisans from traditional fields such as Tuong theater, Cheo theater, Cai Luong theater and contemporary artists who have been practicing with traditional materials such as Nguyen Trinh Thi, Tran Kim Ngoc, Nguyen Oanh Phi Phi, Nguyen Huy An, Nguyen Duc Phuong, Tran Luong, from the beginning of April 2019 to June 2019.

“Future of Tradition” project is sponsored by FAMLAB Fund – Heritage of Future Past – A Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth project under British Council in Vietnam.

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