Fruit and Vegetable Exports Set a Record of USD 5.6 Billion

Vietnam's fruit and vegetable exports in 2023 are estimated to reach USD 5.6 billion, a new record in this industry ever, an increase of 80% over the same period in 2022.
January 07, 2024 | 00:10

According to the General Department of Customs, fruit and vegetable exports in 2023 are estimated to reach USD 5.6 billion, an increase of 80% over the same period in 2022. China continues to remain the largest export market, accounting for an overwhelming proportion of 65.6% of the total industry turnover.

The results achieved in 2023 have far exceeded the fruit and vegetable export turnover target previously set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is USD 4.5 billion in 2024, and USD 5 billion in 2025.

The impression of the fruit and vegetable industry this year must include durian exports with a turnover of about USD 2.3 - 2.4 billion. General Secretary of the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association Dang Phuc Nguyen said that from 2021 backwards, durian exports only reached about more than USD 200 million/year.

Fruit and Vegetable Exports Set a Record of USD 5.6 Billion
Durian is the leading product in the fruit and vegetable export industry when it earned a turnover of about USD 2.3 - 2.4 billion in 2023. (Photo: internet)

Since July 2022, Vietnam has signed a MOU to export durian to the Chinese market, which is believed to contribute to the acceleration of durian export turnover. In 2022, durian exports reached USD 420 million. It is expected that durian exports in 2023 will reach USD 2.3 billion, increasing 5 times compared to 2022 and increasing 10 times compared to 2021.

In 2024, Dang Phuc Nguyen holds an optimistic perspective and predicts that Vietnam's fruit and vegetable industry will continue to reach a new peak, possibly surpassing USD 6 billion, or even reaching the peak of USD 7 billion, thereby being the driving force to make Vietnam become a fruit and vegetable export powerhouse.

According to Nguyen, it is expected that after the visit of the General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping to Vietnam, Vietnam's fruit and vegetable exports to this market of 1.4 billion people will expand in terms of products, scale, and market share.

“Every year, China spends about USD 15 billion on fruit imports. Vietnam's market share this year is expected to be about 25 - 30%, only behind Thailand and Chile. In the future, this market size could double, equivalent to USD 30 billion. There are still many opportunities for businesses if China opens more to Vietnamese products such as frozen durian, fresh coconut, avocado, green-skinned grapefruit, etc.,” said Nguyen.

It is required that these industries have important breakthroughs, especially in compliance with quality standards, trade activities, and brand promotion.

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