Hanoi Inspires Other Cities to Pursue The Path of Peace

Hanoi inspires other cities around the world to pursue the path of peace and development, said Jane Runkat, Charge d'Affaires of the Republic of Indonesia in Vietnam.
July 28, 2024 | 10:02
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A seminar themed "Hanoi - City for peace 25 years of integration and development" taking place on July 26, in Hanoi, was organized by the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations (HAUFO) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary ofUNESCO recognition of Hanoi as a "City for Peace" by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Attending the discussion were nearly 150 delegates, including representatives of leaders of central agencies and Hanoi; experts, scientists, historical researchers, diplomats, and those who have participated in preparing documents submitted to UNESCO to recognize Hanoi as a "City for Peace"; representatives of HAUFO's friendship associations and member organizations and international friends from embassies and international organizations.

Hanoi Inspires Other Cities to Pursue The Path of Peace
At the seminar. Photo: Dinh Hoa

On July 16, 1999, Hanoi became the first city in Asia to be awarded the title "City for Peace" by UNESCO. Over the past 25 years, Hanoi has undergone significant positive changes, becoming a "safe and friendly" destination.

Speaking at the seminar, Jane Runkat, Charge d'Affaires of Indonesia in Vietnam, highly appreciated Hanoi's transformation, from a war-torn city to becoming a city for peace and development. Hanoi has implemented various initiatives to address environmental challenges such as urban green spaces and improving public transportation. These efforts contribute to healthy lifestyles and are consistent with global peacebuilding goals by raising environmental awareness, she stressed.

“Recognition of Hanoi as a UNESCO City for Peace can inspire other cities to pursue a similar path of peace and development. This is a testament to turning past, present and future challenges into constructive opportunities for growth, resilience, collaboration and inclusive development,” Jane Runkat spoke.

Meanwhile, HAUFO Vice President Tran Thi Phuong said that up to now, Hanoi is still the only capital in the Asia-Pacific region to be awarded the title "City for Peace" by UNESCO. That shows the international community's recognition of the cultural tradition of peace and filial piety, as well as the desire for peace of the Vietnamese people.

This is both an honor and a great challenge for Hanoi to continuously strive for lasting peace on earth, a solid foundation for development, prosperity and integration, she pointed out.

Hanoi Inspires Other Cities to Pursue The Path of Peace
Jane Runkat, Charge d'Affaires of Indonesia in Vietnam delivers her speech. Photo: Dinh Hoa

The discussion received 12 presentations and many contributions from domestic and international delegates on topics such as: promoting the value of UNESCO titles to serve the sustainable development of the capital; the journey to turn Hanoi into a green, healthy, livable city; building Hanoi as a safe, friendly, quality and attractive tourist destination; promoting the proactive and creative role of Hanoi's youth in international integration and participating in building the capital.

Speaking after the discussion, HAUFO President Nguyen Ngoc Ky, assessed that the presentations were prepared with much enthusiasm, bringing valuable opinions, and creating motivation to help HAUFO continue to carry out more peace and friendship tasks. From there, promote the culture and people of Hanoi, arouse love and desire for peace in all classes of people, and strive to promote the value of the noble title "City for Peace" to be forever worthy and representative of both the region and the world.

Earlier, a conference was held by the HAUFO to review people-to-people external relations in the first half of this year and set tasks for the second half, where its president said that Hanoi will expand cooperation with the capitals of other countries, capitalize on external resources for development, and strongly introduce its images to international friends to foster cultural and economic exchanges, thus contributing to local development.

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