Many Ways to Boost Vietnam-Brazil Ties

Establishing direct flights, organizing Vietnam Days in Brazil, and building information hubs for businesses are among the proposals made by numerous enterprises and organizations to promote economic, trade, and tourism cooperation between Vietnam and Brazil at the international seminar "Solutions to further boost the Vietnam-Brazil relations in the new context".
August 06, 2024 | 12:48
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Truong Tuong Lan, head of Nam Cuong Tourism Services Co. Ltd

Strengthening the introduction of Vietnam and its people in Portuguese

We face many challenges when expanding our operations in the South American market, especially Brazil. The vast geographic distance hinders connectivity and increases transportation costs. Information about Vietnam has not been widely publicized, making cooperation difficult. Language is also a major barrier as few Vietnamese people are proficient in Portuguese. Moreover, Vietnamese enterprises find it difficult to interact directly with Brazilian partners, and have to compete with other markets in the region.

Many Ways to Boost Vietnam-Brazil Ties
Photo: Dinh Hoa

To overcome these challenges, we propose the early opening of direct flights or flights with only one stopover between Vietnam and Brazil. It is necessary to focus on developing communication in Portuguese and organizing cultural events such as Vietnam Days in Brazil to introduce Vietnam and its people.

We have decided to establish a representative office in Brazil and utilize the Vietnamese workforce there. However, finding qualified personnel who speak Portuguese remains a significant challenge. We also plan to invite tourism survey delegations from Brazil to Vietnam to explore and expand the market, hoping to open up many new cooperation opportunities.

Nguyen Kim Thai, head of One Material Manufacturing & Export Company Limited

Businesses require assistance from the Vietnamese Embassy and Trade Office in Brazil

One Material Manufacturing & Export Company Limited is currently exporting agricultural products such as black grass jelly plants and their processed products, and importing food including beef, pork, and chicken. We are seeking opportunities to expand our market to South America, especially Venezuela and Brazil. To achieve this, we have cooperated with the embassy and local partners, plan to conduct a market research trip, and meet potential partners.

In addition to importing and exporting food, we also import raw materials such as iron and aluminum for recycling. Currently, we mainly import from the RoK, Japan, and Europe. To diversify our supply sources and meet greater future demand, we are seeking new sources of supply from South America.

Many Ways to Boost Vietnam-Brazil Ties
Nguyen Kim Thai (second from the left), head of One Material Manufacturing & Export Company Limited, meets with a representative of a South American company at a metal scrap recycling plant in Vietnam.

A major challenge when entering the South American market is the lack of reliable channels to research local businesses, leading to the risk of encountering unreliable partners. To address this issue, we need support from the Vietnamese Embassy and Trade Office to connect businesses and share information. We recommend partnering and jointly hiring a local law firm to handle legal procedures, and access accurate information.

We hope to receive more support from government agencies in promoting trade and connecting businesses. Having clear information about business channels, industries, and the needs of each market will help us prepare thoroughly for meetings and agreements.

In the near future, we will focus on expanding agricultural exports, and seeking new sources of recycled materials. The connection and support from embassies and trade offices are crucial to achieving these goals.

Nguyen The Thi, vice chairman of the Bac Giang Farmers' Association

Potential for cooperation in agriculture and forestry

Vietnam can reap many benefits from cooperation with Brazil in the fields of agriculture and forestry. Brazil has extensive experience in forest management and protection, especially in anti-deforestation measures, which Vietnam needs to learn from to protect its forest resources.

Brazil also possesses many high-quality crop varieties that are suitable for its climate, having good resistance to pests and diseases. This is important for improving domestic crop varieties. For example, Brazil has succeeded in developing coffee, while Vietnam, with its strength in litchi in Bac Giang, is facing difficulties in preservation and processing. We can learn techniques from Brazil to improve this process. Similarly, bananas, with great development potential in Vietnam, can also be maximized thanks to Brazil's experience.

Digitalizing agricultural products and bringing them to digital platforms is an important factor in boosting consumption and market access. In the livestock sector, Brazil's experience in developing cattle herds will be a valuable resource for Vietnam.

Our goal is to change the mindset and traditional farming methods of farmers, while applying high technology and organic methods. Cooperation with Brazil will not only help us update modern scientific techniques but also open up opportunities for sustainable development in agriculture.

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Rosie Nguyen