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3 results for query: "VNF/Kyodo"

Postpone Tokyo Olympics, to hold next year
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach agreed Tuesday to postpone this summer's Tokyo Olympics due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Japanese leader said.
20:02 | 24/03/2020

Japan strikes to crack down on visa laws violations by app detecting fake residence cards
Japan is developing app that can detect if foreign residence cards are fake, Kyodo cited government officials.
09:43 | 17/01/2020

US Defense Secretary urges ASEAN not to let China exploit COC
US Defense Secretary Mark Esper has urged the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) not to allow China to manipulate a proposed Code of Conduct (COC) for preventing conflict in the East Sea (internationally known as the South China Sea).
13:58 | 19/11/2019