Hanoi Social Insurance

Social, Health, Unemployment Insurance See Year-on-Year Increases Compared to 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023 Figures

According to Hanoi Social Insurance, by May 2024, 8,021,067 people have health insurance, an increase of 3.84% over the same period in 2023. Revenue from social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance reached 26,800.5 billion VND, an increase of 14.59% year -on-year. It is estimated that by the end of June 2024, Hanoi Social Insurance will have resolved social insurance and unemployment insurance regimes for 352,581 people/claims. 33,500 billion VND worth of social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance will be collected, marking a rise of 18.16% over the same period in 2023.
June 21, 2024 | 10:13
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Increase social insurance revenue

According to statistics from Hanoi Social Insurance, by May 2024, health insurance coverage rate reached 94.31% of the population. 8,021,067 people participate in health insurance, 3.84% up over the same period in 2023. By the end of June 2024, health insurance coverage rate is estimated to reach 94.33% of the population. 8,051,149 people will be participating in health insurance, 296,914 people, equivalent to 3.83% higher compared to the same period in 2023.

The number of people participating in compulsory social insurance also increased rapidly. By the end of May 2024, the number of people participating in compulsory social insurance is 2,091,599, an increase of 113,334 people (equivalent to 5.73%) over the same period in 2023, and 33,901 people (1.65%) compared to the figures on December 31, 2023. The increase accounts for 44.33% of the labor force in the age group.

Social, Health, Unemployment Insurance See Year-on-Year Increases Compared to 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023 Figures
Hanoi Social Insurance deploys different communication forms to attract participants (Photo: T.L).

By the end of June 2024, the number of people participating in compulsory social insurance is estimated to reach 2,078,698, 96,824 people, equivalent to 4.89% higher than the figures in 2023, and 21,000 people (1.02%) higher compared to December 31, 2023; accounting for 44.37% of the labor force in the age group.

Meanwhile, by May 2024, the number of people participating in voluntary social insurance will reach 114,291, 39,765 higher, equivalent to 53.36% over the same period in 2023; and 7,952 people, equivalent to an increase of 7.48% compared to the number on December 31, 2023; accounting for 2.42% of the labor force in the age group. It is estimated that by the end of June 2024, the number will be 111,039 people, an increase of 45.49% over the same period in 2023.

Perform key tasks

Accumulated to May 2024, Hanoi Social Insurance's social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance revenues reached 26,800.5 billion VND, an increase of 3,412.9 billion VND, meaning 14.59% over the same period in 2023.

As of May 24, 2024, the entire capital city had 4,978,789 medical examinations and treatments (4,210,428 outpatients, 768,361 inpatients). Health insurance medical examination and treatment costs reached 9,039.4 billion VND (outpatient: 2,599.6 billion VND, inpatient: 6,439.8 billion VND). Of which, 738,504 medical examinations were generated from out-of-province routes, costing 4,367 billion VND (about 48.3% of total insurance payments).

It is estimated that by the end of June 2024, health insurance medical examination and treatment costs will be 11,162.9 billion VND, an increase of 23.5% over the same period in 2023.

Social Insurance, Health insurance, Unemployment Insurance Year-on-year Indicators Increase Compared to 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023
By the end of the first 6 months of 2024, Hanoi Social Insurance is estimated to have cumulatively paid 21.3 trillion VND worth of pensions and social insurance benefits (Photo: T.L).

Also in May 2024, social insurance and unemployment insurance benefits for 234,215 people/ claims are resolved, notably: Monthly social insurance for 3,240 people; One-time social insurance for 16,146 people (1,319 people higher compared to the same period in 2023); Death benefits, one-time occupational accident benefits for 4,616 people; Sickness, maternity, and health recovery benefits for 186,543 people; Unemployment insurance for 23,533 people and vocational training support for 137 people. By the end of June 2024, 352,581 people/claims are estimated to receive social insurance and unemployment insurance benefits.

Hanoi Social Insurance has paid 17.7 trillion VND worth of pensions and social insurance benefits for the first 5 months of 2024 for 593,450 people. It is estimated that by the end of June 2024, the amount will reach 21.3 trillion VND.

Many tasks till the year end

To comprehensively complete 2024 targets and tasks, in addition to regular work according to assigned functions and tasks, Hanoi Social Insurance focuses on implementing many key tasks and solutions as follows.

First, closely follow the direction of the Vietnam Social Security, the Hanoi's Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee, proactively and effectively coordinate with departments, committees, units, and People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities to flexibly implement, concretize into goals and solutions; Review and develop implementation plans in proper ways, assign clear and specific tasks to each individual and unit; strive to complete assigned targets and tasks.

Second, synchronously deploy groups of solutions to attract more social insurance and health insurance participants; Assign specific tasks to officials and employees to focus on urging the collection and reduction of late payment fees, avoiding payment of social insurance, unemployment insurance, and health insurance; Regularly review the database of non-participants to develop propaganda plans and mobilize them to participate in voluntary social insurance and household health insurance.

Third, proactively control the cost of health insurance medical examination and treatment; Monitor the use of the health insurance fund for medical examination and treatment at each medical facility; Analyze data to detect and promptly warn of abnormalities regarding the frequency of medical examination and treatment, rate of inpatient appointments, appointments of tests, diagnostic imaging, prescription of drugs, medical supplies, and multiple-time and high-cost medical examination...; Refuse to pay health insurance for medical examination and treatment costs in violation of regulations; Strengthen prevention of misuse of health insurance funds.

Fourth, promptly and comprehensively resolve and pay social insurance, unemployment insurance, and health insurance benefits. Strictly manage the payment of short-term social insurance benefits, one-time benefits, and payment of unemployment insurance benefits; Exploit and maximize the effectiveness of information technology and the Sector's database to check, monitor, and prevent fraud, misuse, and profiteering of funds; Promote payment of social insurance and unemployment insurance benefits through personal accounts.

Continue to coordinate with the city's Post Office and People's Committees of districts and towns to well organize the payment of pensions and monthly social insurance benefits, ensuring safety, accuracy, and timely delivery to beneficiaries.

Further innovate the content, form, and methods of propaganda, ensuring practicality, effectiveness, correct focus, diversity, and flexibility in accordance with the characteristics of each residential area; Focus on promoting the advantages of modern and multimedia forms and methods of communication on online applications.

Aim to reach 100% of administrative reform and electronic record transactions; implement level-4 online public services in all fields of social insurance and health insurance. Timely resolve recommendations reflected on the national public service portal. Continue to carry out the tasks of implementing the Government's Project 06.

Success Steming From Diligent Communication

In the first 6 months of the year, the Hanoi Social Security coordinated with Departments, divisions, units, and People's Committees of districts and towns to organize 119 conferences with 8,282 attendees, and 2,619 small group propaganda sessions with 7,569 participants. It has issued over 195 thousand propaganda leaflets to social insurance and health insurance collection staff, unions, communes, wards, towns, and people in the districts and towns. It also carried out propaganda through the grassroots radio system with 53,482 radio broadcasts; hanging 4,337 banners, slogans, and posters.

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