Vietnam, Denmark increase cooperation in food and green growth

Danish Minister for Environment and Food Ms. Eva Kjer Hansen lauded the strong Vietnam-Denmark partnership in the areas of food, environment and green growth, building on the two nations’ overall Comprehensive Partnership Agreement of 2013 and the bilateral Strategic Partnership on Green Growth of 2011.
November 10, 2015 | 15:16

Danish Minister for Environment and Food Ms. Eva Kjer Hansen lauded the strong Vietnam-Denmark partnership in the areas of food, environment and green growth, building on the two nations’ overall Comprehensive Partnership Agreement of 2013 and the bilateral Strategic Partnership on Green Growth of 2011.

Vietnam, Denmark increase cooperation in food and green growth

Overview of the press meeting

During a press meeting in Hanoi, Ms. Eva Kjer Hansen highlighted the continued impressive increase in bilateral trade; a new initiative to partner with Vietnamese agencies on raising the environmental and food safety standards in Vietnam’s food and agricultural sector; and the agreement to be signed with Vietnam's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, recognizing Vietnam as the 8th core member of the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) led by Denmark and the Republic of Korea.

"2015 seems to become yet another record-year for our two-way trade as we are up 57 percent compared to 2014, and I expect the activities of Danish businesses and investments in Vietnam will increase further in the coming years. We clearly see a growing interest in the potential of the Vietnamese market and the hopefully speedy completion of the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and EU”.

Apart from announcing the new Danish initiative Strategic Sector Cooperation with 12 selected emerging economies, she shared the plan to deploy a new counselor in food and environment to the Danish Embassy in Hanoi.

“Let’s combine our joint knowledge and strong relations to address the growing demand amongst Vietnamese consumers and export-companies for high quality products within food and agriculture,” said Minister Hansen.

Ms. Hansen also believed that Vietnam will play an active role in the 3GF./.

( Compiled by VNF )