Vietnam News Today (Jun. 10): Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024 Kicks Off

Vietnam News Today (Jun. 10): Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024 kicks off; Hanoi to pilot smart traffic system; Vietnamese Embassy introduces culture, cuisine at Prague food festival; Hanoi named among best places to visit in summer.
June 10, 2024 | 10:35
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Vietnam News Today (Jun. 10) notable headlines

Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024 kicks off

Hanoi to pilot smart traffic system

Vietnamese Embassy introduces culture, cuisine at Prague food festival

Hanoi named among best places to visit in summer

Northern localities asked to proactively respond to heavy rain

Da Nang tourism sees positive recovery signals

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A firework performance by Da Nang-Vietnam team (Photo: VNA)
A firework performance by Da Nang-Vietnam team (Photo: VNA)

Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024 kicks off

Team Da Nang – Vietnam and France’s Arteventia had a breathtaking display at the opening of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival 2024 (DIFF) above the Han River on June 8 night.

The host team created a slow and romantic rhythm, while the defending champion Arteventia showed their power with the 'Dragon’s Dance' design in the only fireworks festival in Vietnam.

The host team, which has modern, high-quality equipment and has won third place three times, in 2012, 2013 and 2015, has improved their performance with an aim of moving up in ranking this year.

The team's highest achievement was earning second place at the Honda Celebration of Light in Vancouver, Canada in 2012, cited VNA.

France’s Arteventia, which won last year's competition, will show the power of the defending champions at the month-long 2024 festival.

Arteventia designs pyrotechnics and multidisciplinary shows in France and internationally, putting fresh vitality into grand fireworks performances over the years.

The French team played 'Dancing Queen' – a famous song from the 1980s by Swedish pop band ABBA – in their 20-minute ‘Dance of the Dragon’ fireworks show.

The team focused on the textural quality of fireworks by choosing high-quality European products, and infusing fire and Latin rhythms under the theme ‘French Touch’ in the festival.

Audiences at the opening night of DIFF 2024 were amazed with the Jetski and Flyboards artistic sports show, a skillful combination of water and aerial dances and fireworks displays, with a performance by the top world-class H2O company from Australia.

The fireworks festival has helped Da Nang build the ‘Fireworks Festival City’ brand and promote itself as a top destination in central Vietnam and Asia.

Each festival attracts more than 1 million tourists, creating millions of US dollars in revenue for the city’s tourism industry, according to the event organizers.

Hanoi to pilot smart traffic system

The Hanoi Department of Transport's proposal to pilot a smart traffic system in the capital in the last half of the year has been approved, as part of the city's broader effort to gradually develop a smart transport network within its smart city framework.

Under the pilot plan proposed by the Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel), a smart traffic management center will be established at the municipal public transport management and operation center at No.1 Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh district. Additionally, equipment will be installed at two pilot intersections on Pham Van Bach street in Cau Giay district.

The smart management center is set to feature software to manage and record video streams with capabilities to connect and monitor security cameras, display real-time images, and provide alerts on equipment status and newly detected traffic violations. The system will also include software for traffic flow measurement, violation monitoring, and traffic light control, according to VNS.

A traffic monitoring system will be installed at the intersection of Pham Văn Bach - Hoang Quan Chi streets, Cầu Giấy district. Photo:
A traffic monitoring system will be installed at the intersection of Pham Van Bach - Hoang Quan Chi streets, Cau Giay district. Photo:

Meanwhile, at the two intersections, cameras will be installed to measure vehicle density, integrate traffic data with mapping applications, and monitor speed. These cameras will also record and detect traffic violations to assist in their resolution.

According to the municipal Department of Transport, developing a smart and sustainable traffic system is a trend for urban areas worldwide. By 2030, the capital aims to become a modern smart city, gradually integrating with regional and global smart urban networks. Smart traffic management is a crucial component of this vision.

The department’s report indicates that the application of scientific-technological advances in smart traffic management in Hanoi began in 2014, through a project to renovate and upgrade the traffic signal control and peripheral equipment center with a total investment of approximately VND231 billion (US$9.24 million).

To date, out of 2,310 intersections citywide, 540 have traffic signal lights, with 474 being connected to the control center.

Vietnamese Embassy introduces culture, cuisine at Prague food festival

The Vietnamese Embassy in the Czech Republic introduced typical dishes and products of Vietnam to the 7th edition of the Food and Culture Embassy Festival in Prague on June 8.

The largest international street food festival in the city featured over 130 booths representing 55 countries and territories.

The Vietnamese booth proved a popular destination for festival-goers, drawing long lines of eager visitors, both local people and international guests interested in experiencing Vietnamese culture, reported VNA.

Vietnamese food and traditional products draw visitors. (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese food and traditional products draw visitors. (Photo: VNA)

Traditional dishes like spring rolls and grilled pork with noodles were the favorites of the visitors, while those seeking souvenirs snapped up conical hats and silk scarves.

Beyond the culinary delights, the event offered a vibrant display of cultural heritage with dozens of music and dance performances showcasing the traditions of various nations and drawing about 15,000 visitors.

Hanoi named among best places to visit in summer

Nature and culture retreats are this year's travel trend, with the leading destinations being Hanoi, Hoi An Ancient Town, Halong Bay and the central coastal town of Quy Nhon.

Hanoi is a top choice for cultural experiences for domestic travelers this summer. The choice is among Hoi An Ancient Town, the flower city of Dalat, and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Halong Bay.

Curious travel patterns among Vietnamese are revealed each summer, according to, whose latest predictions for the summer of 2024 show that 46% of Vietnamese travelers are considering a long domestic trip within the country to beat the scorching heat.

Accordingly, nature and culture retreats are this year's travel trend, with the leading destinations being Hanoi, Hoi An Ancient Town, Halong Bay and the central coastal town of Quy Nhon.

Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)
Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

"The mountains remain irresistible to Vietnamese seeking to escape the summer heat," the report said.

Statistics show that 57% of Vietnamese travelers say they would like to take a nature trip this year, followed by a cultural experience (48%), beaches (45%), and city breaks (36%).

The 2024 Summer Tourism Report also reveals distinct travel preferences among different demographics. Solo travelers prefer city breaks, families are more likely to seek nature escapes, groups gravitate towards scenic getaways, and couples enjoy a mix of bustling metros and tranquil retreats.

Hanoi, in particular, is a top choice for solo travelers looking for great big city experiences, cited Hanoitimes.

Varun Grover, Country Head, Vietnam at, said that summer has always been a peak travel season, but in recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way Vietnamese approach it.

"While Vietnamese travelers are exploring both domestic and overseas destinations, we see travelers gravitating towards culturally significant or leisure-oriented destinations with a growing desire for immersive experiences," he said.

The predictions for summer 2024 are based on tracking searches for summer holidays from June 15 to August 15 this year. The group of tourists participating in the survey is quite diverse, from solo travelers to families and groups of friends.

Northern localities asked to proactively respond to heavy rain

The National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control has asked northern provinces and centrally-run cities to actively respond to heavy rain accompanied by tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong winds.

Prolonged heavy rain causes flooding on Tong Dan street in Hoan Kiem district of Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)
Prolonged heavy rain causes flooding on Tong Dan street in Hoan Kiem district of Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

The committee’s standing office sent the request to the steering committees for natural disaster prevention and control, search and rescue of the provinces and cities on June 9, after the northern region experienced heavy rain over the past few days.

According to Hanoi Sewerage and Drainage One Member Co. Ltd., the city has been seeing widespread showers with an average rainfall of 30-80mm. This figure went up to 100-140mm in the districts of Hoang Mai, Long Bien and Thanh Tri.

Heavy rain caused flooding in several areas of the capital city from June 8 night to early June 9 morning, notably on the streets of Nguyen Van Cu, Truong Dinh and Phan Boi Chau-Ly Thuong Kiet intersection.

The Hanoi Sewerage and Drainage One Member Co. Ltd. is monitoring key pumping stations to lower the water level and ready their response in case of continuing showers.

Severe flooding was also recorded in the port city of Hai Phong and the provinces of Dien Bien and Quang Ninh early June 9 morning.

Rain-induced inundation in the coastal city of Hai Phong also coincided with high tides, resulting in the most severe flooding since the beginning of the rainy season.

In the mountainous parts of Dien Bien and Quang Ninh provinces, warnings have been issued for flash floods and landslides.

Heavy flooding also resulted in traffic congestion and crop damage in these localities.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said that the North would continue to see heavy rain, in some places torrential rain of up to 80mm and even up to 150mm.

The region might experience thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong winds.

It also faces a risk of flash floods, landslides in mountainous areas and flooding in low-lying and urban areas.

To proactively respond and minimize damage, the national steering committee requested provinces and cities to closely monitor warning and forecast bulletins and regularly notify and guide authorities and residents at all levels.

Localities must prepare on-site forces to assist people if necessary.

The northern region should also deploy security forces to inspect and review residential areas along rivers, streams and low-lying areas with high risks of flooding, flash floods and landslides. They must relocate and evacuate people when needed.

Localities direct specialized agencies to coordinate with local television stations and other information and communication agencies, especially at a grassroots level, to educate and instruct people on how to cope with rain as well as thunderstorms accompanied by tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong winds.

A number of reference documents have been developed by the national steering committee and posted on the website

At the same time, provinces and cities are responsible for frequently and closely monitoring weather developments and natural disasters, synthesizing reports and sending them to the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control.

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Rosie Nguyen