Vietnam News Today (Mar 27): US Reaffirms Commitment to New Partnership Framework With Vietnam

Vietnam News Today (Mar 27): Vietnam and Russia exchange views on future cooperation orientations; Vietnam joins proceedings of ICJ's climate change opinion; US reaffirms commitment to new partnership framework with Vietnam; Vietnamese, Chinese front officials discuss ways to deepen ties.
March 27, 2024 | 07:12

Vietnam News Today (Mar 27) notable headlines

Vietnam and Russia exchange views on future cooperation orientations

Vietnam joins proceedings of ICJ's climate change opinion

US reaffirms commitment to new partnership framework with Vietnam

Vietnamese, Chinese front officials discuss ways to deepen ties

Fireworks to sparkle on Hanoi’s 70th Liberation Day

Da Nang to promote semiconductor cooperation with US: Official

Finnish Parliament Speaker wraps up Vietnam visit

Vietnam, RoK discuss copyright challenges in digital environment

Vietnam ready to welcome “eagles” in electronics, semiconductor industry: Official

Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during his phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 26.
Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during his phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 26.

Vietnam and Russia exchange views on future cooperation orientations

Vietnam and Russia examined future cooperation orientations between the two countries during a phone call on March 26 between Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two leaders discussed and agreed on a number of major directions to promote bilateral cooperation in fields such as security- defense, economy-trade, culture, tourism, among others.

Trong congratulated Putin on his re-election as President of Russia for the 2024-2030 term with a record high number of votes in modern history, demonstrating the trust and support of the Russian people in the president’s leadership.

He also extended his deep condolences to Putin, the Russian people and relatives of the victims of the terrorist attack in Moscow on March 22, cited VOV.

The Party leader appreciated the great assistance given to Vietnam in the past and at present by the former Soviet Union and now Russia, and affirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with Russia, considering this one of the top priorities in its foreign policy.

Putin for his part thanked Trong for his regards and affirmed that Vietnam is always a friend and reliable partner of the Russian Federation. He also expressed joy at the positive developments of Russia - Vietnam relations in all fields.

On this occasion, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong respectfully invited President Putin to make an official visit to Vietnam soon, and the invitation was accepted with pleasure.

Vietnam joins proceedings of ICJ's climate change opinion

The Vietnamese Embassy in the Netherlands, on behalf of the Vietnamese Government, has submitted a request to join the proceedings of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s advisory opinion on climate change.

In its request, Vietnam proposed that the ICJ affirm the obligations of countries in combating climate change in accordance with relevant international agreements such as the United Nations (UN) Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), as well as the principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR), contributing to the UN’s collective efforts.

Illustrative image (Photo: IRNA)
Illustrative image (Photo: IRNA)

Vietnam affirmed that countries have the obligation to prevent harms to the global climate system and engage in goodwill cooperation in responding to climate change. Therefore, many developed countries failing to observe the obligation will lead to legal consequences in accordance with international law. On this basis, Vietnam also affirmed that the existing international legal framework on climate change already contains mechanisms for compensating developing countries for losses and damages caused by climate change.

This compensation, Vietnam asserted, should be guided by the CBDR principle, placing greater responsibility on developed nations to lead the response to adverse impacts of climate change due to their emissions, according to VNA.

More than 80 countries have submitted requests to join the proceedings of ICJ's advisory opinion on climate change, according to the ICJ Secretariat.

On March 29, 2023, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 77/276 which requested the ICJ provide an advisory opinion on the obligations of states in respect of climate change.

Vietnam and Vanuatu were among the 18 states of the core group promoting this resolution.

This is the third time Vietnam has sought to join the proceedings of ICJ’s advisory opinion.

US reaffirms commitment to new partnership framework with Vietnam

The United States attaches great importance to the comprehensive strategic partnership it has recently established with Vietnam, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told his Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son in Washington DC on March 25.

Co-hosting the first dialogue between the two diplomats, Blinken reiterated that the US supports a strong, independent, self-reliant, prosperous Vietnam, that is expanding international integration and taking on an increasingly important role in ASEAN and the region as well as in the international arena.

He said the dialogue gives the US and Vietnam the chance to review and promote the implementation of high-level agreements between the two countries.

Son for his part affirmed that the US is a strategically important partner of Vietnam, and that the recent upgrading of bilateral relations to a level of comprehensive strategic partnership demonstrates the strategic vision of the two countries’ senior leaders and efforts to strengthen bilateral cooperation, in the interest of the two peoples, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region.

Vietnam will continue to work closely with the US to realize the new partnership framework, while expanding the space for cooperation on the basis of respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity and political institutions, to maintain development momentum for decades to come.

Both diplomats reviewed the progress in the two countries’ relationship, including implementation of cooperation orientations following the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership in September 2023.

They shared the view that the two countries maintain high-level contact and delegation exchanges to foster political and diplomatic relations and multifaceted cooperation, VOV reported.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (R) shaking hands with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son ahead of their meeting in Washington DC.
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (R) shaking hands with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son ahead of their meeting in Washington DC.

Economic - trade - investment cooperation continues to be an important driving force of bilateral relations. Cooperation in the fields of security - defense, education - training, health, and science - technology progresses positively. Overcoming the consequences of war continues to be a bright spot in bilateral cooperation, including the ongoing dioxin remediation project at Bien Hoa airbase.

Both sides are keen to increase new fields of cooperation such as climate change response, energy transition, innovation, technology transfer and human resource training in the semiconductor industry.

The two diplomat chiefs agreed to promote the foreign minister-level dialogue mechanism to strengthen close cooperation in implementing high-level agreements, while bringing into full play existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms on politics - security - defense, defense policy, and human rights.

They agreed to work closely to organize activities in the lead up to 30 years of diplomacy between the two countries in 2025.

The two sides also discussed regional and international issues of mutual concern. Son suggested that the US continue to play an active role, contributing to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation and development in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean as well as in the world at large.

Blinken assured that the US supports ASEAN’s central role in the region and it will continue to promote cooperation within the framework of the ASEAN-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, Mekong-US cooperation, as well as in the fields of climate change response and United Nations peacekeeping operations.

Exchanging views on the East Sea issue, they emphasized the importance of peace, security, stability, freedom of navigation and aviation in the waters, and of resolving disputes through peaceful means, in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). They voiced support for fully implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and moving towards an effective and substantive Code of Conduct (COC).

Vietnamese, Chinese front officials discuss ways to deepen ties

Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Hoang Cong Thuy hosted a reception in Hanoi on March 26 for Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Wu Xinbao, affirming the construction and development of Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership as a top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy and long-term strategy.

Thuy expressed his belief that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, with General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping as its core, will continue to achieve even greater victories, building China into a prosperous, modern, civilized and democratic socialist country with an increasingly important position on the international stage.

He highlighted the growing bilateral economic, trade and investment ties, increased exchanges between Party and Government agencies in diplomacy and national defense, and favorable relationship between border localities of the two countries, cited VNA.

At the talks in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)
At the talks in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)

Wu, for his part, informed the host about his talks with the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committees of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on bilateral cooperation for the 2024-2026 period. He said the delegation had also surveyed the business environment in Vietnam as a number of Shanghai enterprises are keen on expanding cooperation with the world and Vietnam is a destination of particular interest to them.

At the talks with Chairwoman of the VFF Committee of Hanoi Nguyen Lan Huong, Wu said the MoU will establish a long-term framework for collaboration between the two committees. He expected that Shanghai and Hanoi would continue fostering economic and trade collaboration, thereby strengthening exchanges and mutual understanding.

Huong hoped that both sides would engage in more activities to share experiences in fulfilling the political tasks of the two cities, contributing to further consolidating their friendly and cooperative ties.

In the morning of the same day, Vice Secretary of the Hanoi municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Phong held a working session with the Chinese delegation, during which they shared experiences in the front affairs and city development, including building infrastructure and improving citizens’ well-being.

Fireworks to sparkle on Hanoi’s 70th Liberation Day

Both domestic and foreign visitors to Hanoi on Capital Liberation Day (October 10) this year will be treated to a wide range of activities put on by the local tourism industry, including a spectacular fireworks display.

The highlight of the event will be a fireworks display held at 30 locations across the capital from 9 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. on October 10 to mark its 70th Liberation Day.

As usual, five locations will feature high-range firework shows such as Hoan Kiem Lake, Thong Nhat Park, West Lake, Van Quan Lake, and the My Dinh National Stadium, cited VOV.

Hanoi will hold a firework displays to celebrate Capital Liberation Day (October 10) this year. (Photo:
Hanoi will hold a firework displays to celebrate Capital Liberation Day (October 10) this year. (Photo:

Low-range pyrotechnic performances boasting gorgeous effects and colors will also be let off in both inner and outlying districts of Hanoi.

Furthermore, the administration of the capital will also organize 20 outstanding events. Film weeks in September and October and photo exhibitions with the theme of Capital Liberation Day are expected to provide tourists with a comprehensive view of the city.

A singing contest and sporting activities to mark the 25th anniversary of Hanoi being recognised as a City for Peace by UNESCO will also get underway.

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Rosie Nguyen