Vietnam Rises Four Places in 2023 Global Peace Index

Vietnam’s ranking on the 2023 global peace index rose from rank 44th to rank 41st.
July 07, 2023 | 22:46

Vietnam is the 41st most peaceful country among 163 countries and territories included in the 2023 Global Peace Index, up four places from the previous year.

The annual study of the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources, and measures the state of peace across three domains: the level of Societal Safety and Security; the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict; and the degree of Militarisation.

Vietnam Rises Four Places in 2023 Global Peace Index
Vietnam is the 41st most peaceful country among 163 countries and territories. Photo: Independent

With a score of 1.745 (the lower the better), Vietnam was among the nations with a “high” level of peace, joining the ranks of Germany, Netherlands, Malaysia, the UK, Laos, Indonesia, Republic of Korea (RoK), Argentina, Chile, and Cyprus.

In the Asia-Pacific region with 19 countries and territories measured in the index, Vietnam is the 7th most peaceful place, after New Zealand and Singapore in the first and second place, but higher than RoK (8th), and Cambodia (13th), China (14th), or Democratic People's Republic of Korea (19th).

Vietnam Rises Four Places in 2023 Global Peace Index
Vietnam was among the nations with “high” level of peace.

In the GPI ongoing domestic and international conflict domain specifically, Vietnam’s peacefulness is squarely among the top one-third of countries measured with 1.403 in score.

Vietnam is also placed in the top third in the societal safety and security, as well as the militarisation domains.

The study also estimates that Vietnam suffers about 6% in percentage of GDP, or US $1,200 per capita as the economic costs of violence, making the country the 99th in terms of being most affected by violence.

Ukraine, Afghanistan, Sudan, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea top the list of suffering the most from economic costs of violence, with losses as a percentage as their GDP estimated at 63, 47, 30, and 39%, respectively.
Vietnam is also placed in the top third in the societal safety and security. Photo:

The economic impact of violence on the global economy in 2022 was US $17.5 trillion in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. This figure is equivalent to 12.9% of the world’s GDP or US $2,200 per person, increasing by 6.6% from the previous year, the study noted.

This year’s results found that the average level of global peacefulness deteriorated by 0.42%. This is the thirteenth deterioration in peacefulness in the last fifteen years, with 84 countries improving and 79 deteriorating in peacefulness in 2022.

Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. Afghanistan is the least peaceful country in the world for the eighth consecutive year./.

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