Vietnam – UK Friendship Association of Hanoi Promote Bilateral Ties in Various Areas

Representatives from the nations of Vietnam and the UK came together to embrace each others culture and to plan for a peaceful, prosperous future.
August 22, 2022 | 11:34
Vietnam – UK Friendship Association of Hanoi Promote Bilateral Ties in Various Areas
A 27-member executive board led by Secretary of Hoan Kiem district Party Committee Vu Dang Dinh. Photo: HAUFO

The Vietnam – UK Friendship Association of Hanoi on August 20 held the fourth Congress and set out orientations for the 2022-2027 tenure.

The Congress an executive board includes 27 members led by Secretary of Hoan Kiem district Party Committee Vu Dang Dinh.

During the new tenure, the association will continue to build and strengthen its organization to become stronger and stronger, develop new partners as a basis to promote activities, contribute to strengthening and developing friendship, solidarity, and cooperation between the peoples of the two countries; at the same time enlist the support of UK friends for the cause of national construction, protection and development; strive to establish 4-6 more chapters, with priority given to businesses having partnership with the UK.

Friendship events celebrating the National Day of Vietnam, anniversaries of bilateral diplomatic ties, and other political events of the two countries are also planned by coordinating with the Central Vietnam - UK Friendship Association, the British Embassy, ​​the British Council to organize and sports exchange activities between Vietnam and the UK; organize activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the UK in 2023; acting as a bridge to expand cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism, trade.

Vietnam – UK Friendship Association of Hanoi Promote Bilateral Ties in Various Areas
Chairwoman of the municipal Vietnam Fatherland Front and President of the municipal Union of Friendship Organizations (HAUFO) Nguyen Lan Huong suggested the association actively expand ties with mass and friendship organizations in the UK, and promote in economy, culture, education and tourism.

Chairwoman of the municipal Vietnam Fatherland Front and President of the municipal Union of Friendship Organizations (HAUFO) Nguyen Lan Huong suggested the association popularize the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and the UK in the mass media to help the people of the two countries increase mutual understanding, especially activities towards the anniversary of 50 years of Vietnam - UK relations; maintain relationships with the UK Embassy, ​​British Council and British partners in coordinating activities.

At the same time, the association should actively expand cooperation with mass and friendship organizations in the UK, promote cooperation in economy, culture, education, and tourism; expand the scale and activities of the branches, and further spread the activities to promote the people-to-people exchange between Vietnam and the UK to the people of the capital.

Vietnam – UK Friendship Association of Hanoi Promote Bilateral Ties in Various Areas
Marcus Winsley, Charge d'Affaires of the British Embassy in Hanoi. Photo: VNT

Marcus Winsley, Chargé d'Affaires of the British Embassy in Hanoi, said that the Vietnam-UK cooperation relationship has made remarkable and comprehensive developments in many fields toward long-term cooperation. With the recent active exchange of high-level delegations, cooperation in many fields such as education, climate change, economy, investment, law, and migration between the two countries has also achieved many new steps.

In particular, the people-to-people ties between the two countries have become increasingly close, promoting their important role in contributing to the bilateral relationship, especially in the context of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic-cooperation relations in 2023.

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