Vietnam's Successful Freshman Year as UNHRC Member

Vietnam has left its mark right from the first activities of the United Nations Human Rights Council with many initiatives consistent with Vietnam's priorities, and the common concerns of the world, appreciated by the international community.
February 29, 2024 | 07:26
Vietnam's Successful Freshman Year as UNHRC Member
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang leads the Vietnamese delegation to attend the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Photo: VGP

On October 11, 2022, the UN General Assembly elected Vietnam and 13 other countries to be members of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the 2023-2025 term.

This proves Vietnam's position and reputation and shows the international community's recognition of Vietnam's policies, efforts, and achievements in ensuring human rights.

Vietnam also takes on this position while making efforts to develop the economy and society, ensure livelihoods, and improve the quality of life for its people.

Vietnam ensures the implementation of international commitments on human rights. Therefore, Vietnam's membership in the UNHRC for the 2023-2025 term received great attention from the international community.

Vietnam has left its mark right from the first activities of the United Nations Human Rights Council with many initiatives consistent with Vietnam's priorities, and the common concerns of the world, appreciated by the international community.

“I hope Vietnam will continue to demonstrate its leading role in protecting and promoting human rights both domestically and at the global level,” said Ramla Khalidi, UNDP resident representative in Vietnam

At Session 52, opening the term of the Human Rights Council (March-April 2023), Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang attended the high-level meeting and introduced the initiative to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and 30 years of Vienna Declaration and Program of Action (VDPA).

It emphasized the leading role of countries in ensuring human rights, recognized the participation of women, the role of international cooperation and solidarity, respect for diversity, and inclusion in promoting and protecting human rights.

This initiative of Vietnam has made an important contribution to raising awareness and determination to act of countries and the international community in implementing the goals and principles of human rights.

They also promoted the position and role of the UNHRC and UN human rights mechanisms.

Vietnam's Successful Freshman Year as UNHRC Member
UNHRC consultation workshop. Photo: WVR

Vietnam also participated deeply in common work, promoting dialogue and cooperation at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Vietnam fulfilled its responsibilities, obligations, and main interests of a member country of the UNHRC during the process of negotiating, and voting to approve draft resolutions.

Vietnam also had a constructive approach to human rights issues that still have many differences at the Council, such as the situation of specific countries (Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, Sudan). Additionally, as a developing nation, Vietnam understands the relationship between socio-economic development with human rights, reproductive health, and sex education.

Vietnam's contributions to the UNHRC helped the international community better understand Vietnam's efforts and commitments in protecting and promoting human rights, and promoting Vietnam's cooperative relations with other countries, and international organizations.

In 2023, the content of cooperation at the Council has been promoted by countries, including major partners, in exchanges with Vietnam, and in the foreign affairs activities of our senior leaders.

Countries, partners, and ASEAN have also promoted existing exchange mechanisms or organized new activities to have in-depth exchanges with Vietnam on cooperation at the UNHRC.

Vietnam's status as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council also helps mobilize countries to support in fighting activities that distort the situation in Vietnam at UN mechanisms and forums.

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