8 daily easy anti-ageing tips

Ageing is one of woman' biggest fears, but there are other easy ways to fight the onset of ageing that you might not have tried before. The Cosmospolitan recently suggests some simple anti-ageing steps to help you challenge the clock:
September 30, 2018 | 16:50

Ageing is one of woman' biggest fears, but there are other easy ways to fight the onset of ageing that you might not have tried before. The Cosmospolitan recently suggests some simple anti-ageing steps to help you challenge the clock:

8 daily easy anti-ageing tips

Illustrative photo: Cosmospolitan


Exercising is as good for your skin as it is for your body and one reason is because it releases a compound called IL 15, which prevents cell death. A skin study by McMaster University in Canada revealed that participants who took part in just two cycling session a week for three months showed changes that they reported made the skin look up to decades younger. Amazing. Here are more reasons why exercise is good for your skin.

If the gym sounds too boring or intimidating, start with something light and slow. Go for a morning jog, learn swimming or do cycling. Soaking up the early sun not only livens up your mood but the fresh oxygen to your lungs will also make your stay young much longer, say the MSN.


Take a minute every night to massage in your skincare products, which in turn helps to lift your facial muscles. Do circular motions with the fingertips in opposite directions on each hand, this encourages elasticity and breaks the pattern of tension helping prevent a degeneration of the tissues.


A diet high in sugar accelerates the process of glycation which ages skin. Mica Engel of London's Waterhouse Young Clinic explains in Sweet Nothing by Nicole Mowbray, "Glycation is when excess glucose from the blood-stream binds to the skin's 'youth proteins' (the collagen and elastin that makes youthful complexions appear so plump and doughy) and instead turns them brittle and stiff." This caramelisation process kisses baby faces goodbye. Swap sugar-laden treats for anti-ageing antioxidants such as dark berries, avocados and green juices.


Encouraging the sheading of dead skin cells speeds up the growth of new ones. Young skin is smooth and reflects the light better whereas older skin tends to be rougher which refracts light, so regular exfoliation will help you maintain your radiance and a bright youthful glow.


Cosmo's Beauty Director swears by taking omega oils from a young age - fish or vegetable omega oil capsules consumed daily, as well as applying a few drops of rosehip (or another omega-rich) face oil every night. These 'good fats' are responsible for the health of the cell membrane, which – when healthy – yields more subtle skin.


Never go to bed with an uncleansed face - it's undoubtedly ageing given that it immediately clogs (and stretches) pores and over time causes collagen breakdown. Use a balm or a gentle foam cleanser in the shower - they take your makeup off as well and rinse off clean. Easy!


Your face needs to MOVE to retain elasticity. Like your body, if you don't exercise your facial muscles they can slacken. The more they move, the more they retain elasticity and suppleness. Try these 6 yoga poses for a pain-free facelift! Yoga, for the face or not, is also a good technique for stress-busting which is important in the fight against ageing as stress can accelerate skins ageing by up to 10 years.


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Illustrative photo: Rex Features

When you're tired you tend to get stressed easily and crave junk food – both of which are notorious agers. Not only does getting 8 hours shut-eye minimise this, when you sleep your skin repairs itself and new cells grow to replace older ones. The growth hormone functions only at night, so beauty sleep is more than a myth – it's why humans are diurnal.

An useful note from MSN, never sleep with your face pressed against the pillow, since it can cause "sleep lines" that, over the years, can turn into wrinkles. So, if you are habituate to sleep with your face downwards, guess it’s time to break the habit and cut a few years from your face./.

( VNF )