Cuba Launches Special Publication Entitled "Cuba and Vietnam: A Symbol of Brotherhood"

The Cuban National Assembly launched a special publication entitled "Cuba and Vietnam: A Symbol of Brotherhood" at the Cuban National Assembly - Capitolio in Havana on Cuban Press Day (March 14, 2024).
March 19, 2024 | 10:44

Delivering a speech at the ceremony, President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez stated that this publication is special since it preserves the treasure of both peoples' historical memories and serves as a symbol of the eternal brotherhood passed down from generation to generation between Cubans and Vietnamese.

The publication covers each milestone in the exemplary relationship between Vietnam and Cuba, as encapsulated in the immortal words of Cuban Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro: “For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to shed its blood."

Cuban National Assembly launches a special publication on relations with Vietnam (Photo: VNA)
Cuban National Assembly launches a special publication on relations with Vietnam (Photo: VNA)

The Cuban President emphasized that the launch of the publication coincided with Cuban Press Day, which falls on March 14, and the 132nd anniversary of the founding of the newspaper Patria (Fatherland), further emphasizing the symbolic value of the publication praising the exemplary solidarity that has become a symbol of this era.

As one of the founders of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam and President of the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association (CVFA) Yolanda Ferrer Gomez told stories of the two people's steadfast affinity. She shared emotive memories of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro's first visit to Vietnam more than half a century ago. The Cuban leader is the first and only head of state to visit the newly liberated zone in Quang Tri province, directly in the heat of the war.

Cuba Launches Special Publication Entitled
President of the Cuban National Assembly Esteban Lazo Hernández reads the special National Assembly publication "Cuba and Vietnam: A Symbol of Brotherhood" (Photo: VNA)

Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Vietnam, and member of the Committees for the Defence of the Revolution of Cuba (CDR) Gerardo Hernández Nordelo highlighted the strong friendship and emotional attachment between the two peoples.

"We grew up in an understanding of the history of the Vietnamese nation, of the example, of the dedication, simplicity, and resilience of the Vietnamese people," he said.

First Secretary of the Embassy of Vietnam in Cuba Nguyen Ngoc Hung expressed his belief that the warm sentiments, respect, and admiration that the people of the two countries have for each other will continue to be preserved and maintained, passed on to present and future generations.

The special National Assembly publication "Cuba and Vietnam: A Symbols of Brotherhood" was published on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam (September 25, 1963), 50 years since Cuban Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro's first visit to Vietnam (September 1973), and the 63rd anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cuba (December 2, 1960).
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