Cuban Researcher: Ho Chi Minh's Ideology In Hearts Of Revolutionaries

Dr. González Sáez said that President Ho Chi Minh's outstanding humanistic and progressive ideas have gone beyond Vietnam's borders, having a great influence on all humanity.
May 19, 2024 | 21:21
Cuban Researcher: Ho Chi Minh's Ideology In Hearts Of Revolutionaries
President Ho Chi Minh delivered the opening speech at the 3rd Party Congress, September 5, 1960. Photo: VNA

Dr. Ruvislei González Sáez, a leading expert on Vietnam in Latin America, shared about President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of the 134th anniversary of his birth (May 19, 1890-May 19, 2024).

González Sáez, vice president of the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association, affirmed that the great ideology of President Ho Chi Minh - one of the most important figures of the 20th century - is still in the hearts of millions of Vietnamese people and revolutionaries around the world.

He said that "Nguyen Sinh Cung, Nguyen Tat Thanh, Nguyen Ai Quoc, are names of President Ho Chi Minh. His humanistic ideas and outstanding progress have gone beyond the borders of Vietnam, having great influence on all humanity."

After many years of studying Vietnam, the Cuban scholar greatly admired Uncle Ho, who overcame circumstances through thought and action, spent his whole life tirelessly fighting, and became a figure of all times.

Cuban Researcher: Ho Chi Minh's Ideology In Hearts Of Revolutionaries
In December 1920, the young patriot Nguyen Ai Quoc (the name of President Ho Chi Minh during his revolutionary activities in France) attended the French Socialist Party's 18th congress in Tours City as a representative of Indochina. Photo: VNA

According to González Sáez, President Ho Chi Minh was both a dreamer and a realist. He dreamed of a better future for his people and oppressed peoples around the world. He led the way to bring the nation out of the darkness of colonialism and eliminate illiteracy.

Today, the S-shaped strip of land in Southeast Asia is rising to become one of the 15 most dynamic economies in the world.

Since 1930, when the Communist Party of Vietnam was born, Uncle Ho spoke of his desire to build an independent Vietnam. He lit the way to bring the nation from slavery to independence, freedom, and development.

Analyzing the phenomena from the perspective of Marxism-Leninism, President Ho Chi Minh understood that the context at that time was complex, and in the process of comprehensive development.

Therefore, he called for timely preparation and direction, avoiding confusion that leads to errors in thinking and action. Uncle Ho's teachings still retain their value today.

González Sáez was especially impressed with President Ho Chi Minh's simple, humble and close manner. His teachings are both imbued with theoretical and practical value, demonstrating far-sighted vision, and are simple, and easy to convey and remember.

The Cuban expert affirmed that Ho Chi Minh is an admirable leader of the Party and people of Vietnam, a hero of national liberation, and an outstanding cultural figure of humanity. He left behind many valuable legacies, his thoughts are the guiding principle for the Party and the Vietnamese revolution.

Ho Chi Minh's thought is a theoretical, political, comprehensive and profound system on the fundamental issues of the Vietnamese revolution but with a global scope, highlighting issues affecting humanity.

For that reason, the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), and the University of La Habana wish to further research his thoughts, and promote the values of President Ho Chi Minh's legacy in the new era.

Dr. González Sáez emphasized the importance of researching and continuing Ho Chi Minh's legacy to pass on to future generations.

Uncle Ho's ideology and moral foundation also play an important role in preserving and cultivating the special traditional relationship between Vietnam and Cuba. Although the two countries are geographically far apart, they are extremely close and similar.

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