Former Vietnamese Ambassador Receives Morocco's Royal Medal Rank Commander

On June 20, 2024, the Moroccan Ambassador to Vietnam awarded the Royal Medal rank Commander to Dang Thi Thu Ha, former Vietnamese Ambassador to Morocco. This award is to honor and recognize her achievements to contribute to the promotion of Vietnam - Morocco diplomatic relations in the 2020-2023 term.
June 24, 2024 | 13:31
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The Secretary General of the Moroccan House of Representatives Najib El Khadi, Chairman of the World Association of Parliamentary Secretaries General and Deputy Chairman of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese (SCOV) Nguyen Manh Dong were presented at the ceremony. There were also representatives of the Vietnam - Morocco Friendship Parliamentary Group of the National Assembly and the Vietnam - Morocco Friendship Association.

(Photo: TĐ).
Moroccan Ambassador to Vietnam Jamale Chouaibi spoke at the award ceremony (Photo: TĐ).

From 2020 to 2023, Dang Thi Thu Ha worked at the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to Morocco. Ha contributed to promoting relations between the two countries in many fields, namely politics, economics, culture and education. Over the past years, the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Morocco has continuously developed amid the challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, the two countries have organized the Vietnam - Morocco Trade and Industry Subcommittee. The delegation exchanges at all levels, and cultural and trade exchange activities have increased steadily each year.

In 2022, the Vietnam Gate project in Kenitra was established by the Vietnamese Embassy to Morocco and the Vietnamese community in the host country. Along with the Morocco gate in Ba Vi built by Moroccan soldiers in the 1960s, the Vietnam gate in Morocco has become a symbol of the good friendship between the two countries. This is also a place for the Vietnamese community in the host country to visit and remember their Vietnamese roots.

Former Vietnamese Ambassador Receives Morocco's Royal Medal Rank Commander
From 2020 to 2023, Dang Thi Thu Ha worked at the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to Moroccohas (Photo: TĐ).

Speaking at the ceremony, Moroccan Ambassador to Vietnam Jamale Chouaibi highly appreciated Dang Thi Thu Ha's positive and effective contributions to the friendly relationship between Vietnam and Morocco. The Moroccan Ambassador hoped that Ha will continue to make contributions to help further tighten the friendship between the two countries.

In her acceptance speech, former Vietnamese Ambassador to Morocco Dang Thi Thu Ha said that this award is great recognition and encouragement for her and for the efforts of all agencies, organizations and individuals who have made persistent efforts over the years to contribute to expanding and deepening the Vietnam - Morocco relationship.

It was her honor to serve her term in the beautiful country of Morocco with very friendly people, she stressed. Dang Thi Thu Ha thanked Moroccan King Mohamed VI for the award, and the Vietnamese and Moroccan leaders, along with organizations and individuals for their cooperation and support over the past time. The Vietnamese diplomat will continue to contribute to the growing relationship between the two countries in the coming time.

The Royal Medal is the highest honor of the Moroccan State. This medal was established in 1913 to reward individuals or organizations with special contributions to Morocco.
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