Guide to visiting Vietnam's Cai Rang Floating Market

For travelers, the floating markets are not only something to admire but also a must if you seriously want to explore the uniqueness of the giant maze that is the Mekong Delta.
September 25, 2017 | 14:00

(VNF) - For travelers, the floating markets are not only something to admire but also a must if you seriously want to explore the uniqueness of the giant maze that is the Mekong Delta.

It is the dense network of the Mekong River and its tributaries that developed the waterway transport system and formed the special customs of the locals here. The habit of trading goods in the floating markets stands out and has become an image representing the area’s tourism. Cai Rang Floating market of Can Tho is the most famous of all names. This article will help you understand what the floating market is, it’s purpose, when to go, how to go, and what to buy.


Guide to visiting Vietnam's Cai Rang Floating Market

Mekong Delta. (Source:

Located on Cai Rang River, this floating market is 6-km away from the center of Can Tho City, about 30-minutes away from Ninh Kieu Wharf by boat. The same as other floating markets in the Mekong Delta, Cai Rang was initially formed to meet the trading needs of the locals while the road traffic system was still at its infancy. What’s awesome is that it’s existed for over a 100 years!

Today, even if the road traffic network has developed significantly, Cai Rang floating market keeps growing and brings value to the locals of the country and area in terms of economy, culture, and tourism.


The first impression Cai Rang floating market makes on everyone is its extremely lively and crowded trading atmosphere. Try not be too surprised when you see the smooth performances of traders juggling fruits boat to boat. Interestingly, in the middle of such a bustling trading scene, you will still somehow find strangely comfortable moments while immersing in the rustic lifestyle of the Vietnamese and breathing in the cool breeze of the great river.


Guide to visiting Vietnam's Cai Rang Floating Market

The bustling trading scene of Cai Rang floating market. (Source:

Playing as one of the main trading centers of the Mekong delta, Cai Rang is a place where the locals sell and buy a wide range of products catering to their daily lives. Besides staple commodities, this is a famous location to find local products priced quite reasonably. They may be the freshest fruits harvested from the farm like durian, milk fruit, rambutan, mangosteen, grapefruit, etc., or even other processed specialties, such as fish sauce, coconut candy, or dried fishes. Come here and worry no more about what to bring home.


On the other hand, visitors shouldn’t miss out interesting eating experiences while visiting the floating market. Because the trading activities start early in the morning, there are many floating restaurants opened to serve breakfast for both sellers and shoppers.

Here, you can find most local dishes, such as pho, hu tieu, com tam, bun rieu, etc. With only VND 25.000 (USD 1), surely you can treat your hunger with a quite hearty meal and even a cup of coffee. Most of the locals have been living with their “floating stall” for about 30 – 40 years, so believe me, they really know how to make their dishes and you will surely get a tasty experience.

Despite the limitation of space, these “floating restaurants” make delicious food. The talented chef – Gordon Ramsay, once exclaimed that the bowl of noodles he ate at Cai Rang has one of the best broths he has ever tasted. The flavorful dish is so amazing that he decided to put it as a challenge on his worldwide famous cooking show – Master Chef U.S.


Guide to visiting Vietnam's Cai Rang Floating Market

Cai Rang floating market. (Source:

The tropical climate of Vietnam has two major seasons – the dry season that lasts from December to April while the rainy season lasts from May to November. The Mekong Delta’s weather is relatively mild. As a matter of fact, travelers can visit Cai Rang at any time of the year since you will experience something different during each time of the year.

Trips in the rainy season will be much more relaxing due to the cooler atmosphere while the harvest season falls into dry month, which means there will be more types of native fruits and agricultural products available.


Cai Rang floating market is open all day but it is best early in the morning, while the temperature is cool and the sun is not too harsh. Therefore, try to make it before 7 A.M. because you don’t want to miss the busiest time.

To know what goods a boat sells, customers only need to obverse from distance the poles erected in front of the boat. On these poles, the sellers will hang a sample of the products they are selling.

Also, remember to bring on your cap and sun block since the sun will become hot very quickly.


If you want to have best experience, avoid touristy boats. Take a local fishing boat. You’ll have more flexibility this way and the local will show you around.

Capturing beautiful photos is one of the most exciting parts of a trip, so we suggest that you choose a local pineapple boat. Pineapple boats are the boats that have a roof for you to climb on top of. From there, you can have a beautiful panorama picture of the whole market.


Basically, there are two feasible options you can consider when visiting Cai Rang Float Market:

Go by Yourself

Guide to visiting Vietnam's Cai Rang Floating Market

Cai Rang floating market. (Source:

Normally, self-journeys are usually a perfect opportunity if you want to challenge yourself. You will have to manage your time, transportation and budget. Doing the floating market by yourself; however, will entail you requiring a higher budget. Here is some useful infos:

To travel to Cai Rang floating market, you first need to go to Can Tho City. As the city is nearly the capital of the Mekong Delta, it is not too difficult to get here.

You can easily book a domestic flight ticket of which the duration is less than 2 hours from Ha Noi or Da Nang.

In the case of departure from Ho Chi Minh City, booking a sleeping bus ticket will get you to Can Tho in 5 hours.

Once you arrived in Can Tho, catch a taxi or motorbike taxi to get to Ninh Kieu Wharf (where you can buy boat tickets) from the city’s center. The distance is estimated at around 6 km.

The boat ticket for a 2-hour trip per person usually costs from VND 40,000 to 80,000 (USD 2 - USD 4).

If you are traveling in a group, consider renting a whole boat since it may be cheaper and you can add some additional destinations to your trip. The prices for a boat range between VND 600,000 and VND 1,200,000 (USD 30 – USD 60). Don’t forget to tip!

Some Drawbacks

As stated above, there are several difficulties you may have to face when deciding to do everything on your own, such as: The distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho is far, and being seated in a small-sized sleeping bus is not the soundest option; there might be a chance you have to wait for your boat to be filled and you may miss the best hours of the market; and some boats may take you to their shopping destinations that will take you a bunch of time.

Buy A Tour

In fact, finding a tour in this situation is a reasonable alternative. You can easily find dozens of tours available on the Internet or in the backpackers’ area. The trips usually last 2 days and the prices range from USD 30 to USD 200. However, check the schedule of the trip before booking since cheap service providers usually take you on a bus with too many tourists or take you to unexpected shopping destinations./.

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