How Vietnamese beef noodles can cure your cold?
(VNF) – Suffering from a cold or a flu is a common problem in winter. Even though it is not a severe health issue, the symptoms are really irritating, which badly affect your work and other daily routines. But do you know there is an easy and tasty way to cure your sickness faster? Just take a bowl of Vietnamese beef noodles (phở bò)!
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There are a handful of foods that may help bolster and replenish your body while it is struggling with cold/flu in winter. And you can find at least five of them in a bowl of Vietnamese beef noodles, which are: anise seeds, lime, ginger, onion and beef.
Anise seeds
One of the indispensible spices that forms the distinctive aroma of “phở”, anise seeds can be used as a medicine to fight against the cold in the winter.
Besides being used as a spice in phở, Anise seeds can be eaten (in rolls and cookies, for instance), but for cold-fighting the delivery method of choice is usually tea. (source: suckhoedoisong)
These licorice-flavored seeds, which have antibacterial properties, have been shown to ease coughing and help clear congestion from the upper respiratory tract.

Lime, a rich source of vitamin C (source:
Vitamin C is known for the supportive effect for the body’s natural defenses.
Even though recent research suggests that vitamin C may not be as useful in preventing colds as once thought, studies do show that taking the vitamin at the first sign of illness may reduce a cold's duration by about a day, which can feel like a lifetime when you're suffering.
Onion is one of the ingredient which is used to cook the broth of Vietnamese beef noodles (and you can find it in many other Vietnamese dishes, too, especially the stir fried ones). Onions not only gave a boost to the flavor of the dish, but moreover, it can give your immune system a boost.
"Onions are super-healthy," said Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist with the Fitness Institute of Texas at the University of Texas at Austin. "They are excellent sources of vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids and phytochemicals."
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It's also an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, thought to have perse anti-cancer powers. (source:
At the same time, onions are among the most significant sources of antioxidants in the human diet, according to a 2002 report in the journal Phytotherapy Research.
Foods that are high in antioxidants and amino acids like onion allow your body to function optimally. Antioxidants help prevent damage and cancer. Amino acids are the basic building block for protein, and protein is used in virtually every vital function in the body, therefore onion will be a great accompany in the battle against cold and flu.
*Bonus: onion is the richest source of dietary quercitin: Quercitin in onions also thins the blood, lower scholesterol, raises good-type HDL cholesterol (preferred dose: half a raw onion a day), wards off blood clots, fight asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infections.
The use of ginger is number one when it comes to curing common cold, cough and relieving respiratory symptoms. With its high levels of Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals, ginger root is extremely beneficial for health.
During winters, many people are susceptible to respiratory problems. While the cause may be an infection or change in weather, ginger can be effective in providing relief. It has antihistamine property which helps in treating allergies. Also, ginger is known to inhibit airway contraction and help stimulate the secretion of mucus. Just a teaspoon of ginger juice with honey can provide relief from a sore throat.
You are recommended to add peppermint, honey or lemon to make this beverage into an incredible tea with immunity boosters known to reduce inflammation and prevent many illnesses.
Last but not least, that's beef.
When you are having a cold or a flu, your body is under stress from the infection, therefore we need to repair or support the immune system, the Huffington Post cited the statement of Zhaoping Li, director of the Center of Human Nutrition at the University of California-Los Angeles.
Good iron levels found in beef are essential for a strong immune system, which can help prevent and fight cold and flu. A great news is beef does not only supply a source of iron that is easily absorbed by the body, it also contains good supplies of zinc, another infection-fighting mineral
It’s commonly suggested for preventing the common cold; however, research shows it’s more useful in helping you recover from colds faster./.
( VNF )

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