Indoors plants to beautify your home

August 07, 2018 | 16:59

Recently, the latest maximalist trend has been taking the interior design world by storm. #Jungalow is all about matching colourful fabrics, tropical patterns, jungle motifs and plenty of indoor greenery. Wanna give it a try? Look for house plants that are not only pleasing to the eye, but are easy to care for and improve air quality.

Indoors plants to beautify your home

Photo: Pexels

Plants wither and die the moment you so much as look at them. You manage to kill even garden weeds. If you aren’t green-fingered but simply love the look — and presence — of plants, don’t lie to yourself or get ugly, artificial plants. Adopt a zen attitude and several pots of low maintenance, heat-loving cacti.

Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese money plant (or Pilea) is frequently featured in Scandinavian interiors, where its bright green pancake-shaped leaves provide an adorable and welcome burst of color against white walls.

Indoors plants to beautify your home

(Image credit: Patrycja Nowak/Shutterstock)

As a plus, it takes up very little space in your home and thrives in hot, sunny weather with lots of water.


Commonly known as Snake’s Tongue or Devil’s Tongue, this common plant sure is a talking point. Whether indoors, in your garden or on your balcony, these spiky beauties can put up with almost anything.

You can find them tall or short, with round, flat or concave leaves, and variegated with dark green, silver, light green, yellow, chartreuse or white.

They are slow-growing plants that thrive in warmth and bright light, and can tolerate low-water conditions. This resilient plant comes in many different sizes and is capable of removing over 107 known air pollutants, including nitrogen monoxide, chloroform, benzene and carbon monoxide. With their strikingly striped appearance, this is one to keep for a long time.

Rubber Tree

Indoors plants to beautify your home

Source: Wirbnbinf

Breathe easy with this plant, if you choose to allow it to take residence in your home. According to studies conducted by NASA, the rubber plant is capable of improving air quality. Their large leaves absorb and break down airborne chemicals, rendering them harmless.

Monstera Deliciosa

Ideal for awkward corners and broad doorways, this plant ranks higher on the maintenance spectrum than most plants on this list – after all, it’s large (hence its name), and capable of growing to over 10m in height and spreading horizontally over 3m. But if you’re looking for something truly tropical-looking, this plant will do just the trick.


Showy and highly decorative, the calatheas plant has many interesting traits. Did you know that they close their leaves at night and open them again in the morning? It’s just a wee bit delicate — this house plant should never be placed in direct sunlight, as it thrives in the shade.

Dragon Tree

Tough and hardy, these plants are some of the easiest to care for, taking neglect well and recovering quickly from any unfavourable conditions. They’ve also got a superb hidden talent — they reduce benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene in the air, and are also listed by NASA as a good air-filtering plant.

Fiddle Leaf Figs

If your home is on the roomier side and there’s a spot looking empty, adding a fiddle leaf fig plant is sure to fill the space with some drama.

String of Pearls

a beautiful healthy string of pearls plant with long trails growing out of a big tall pot


This magnificent succulent is extremely drought tolerant, only requiring you to water it every couple of weeks or so. Besides being highly attractive due to its circular ‘beads’ that resemble pearls, this plant can be placed on walls and hung from ceilings, helping to make a smaller home look jungle-worthy without taking up too much space.

Lucky Bamboo

3 twisted stalks of lucky bamboo & an arrangement of lucky bamboo sit on a table.


Apart from the lovely look, this plant is considered a symbol of health, wealth and love. It is said that the more numerous the stalks on the plant, the luckier the bamboo is.The aptly named lucky bamboo is cost efficient and easy to care for.


Famous for its many healing and nourishing properties, the aloe is one of the most practical house plants you could possibly keep. Bear in mind that there are quite a few varieties to choose from, such as the tiger aloe, the spiral aloe, and the lace aloe. All feature unique patterning and growing patterns, but all these succulents are relatively easy to grow, and require little care as long as they get plenty of sunlight.

Elephant Ear

The majestic, wide leaves of the elephant ear plant make them perfect to place by a doorway or to frame some large windows. Easy to care for and evergreen, these tropical plants are popular worldwide and often used in landscaping due to their ability to grow in full sunlight or partial shade./.

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