Oxfam helps Vietnamese farmers on pork production

(VNF) – A conference to review the project “Upgrade white pig value chain with the participation of smallholder farmers and gender equality in Lao Cai" was recently held in Lao Cai province.
March 31, 2018 | 18:20

(VNF) – A conference to review the project “Upgrade white pig value chain with the participation of smallholder farmers and gender equality in Lao Cai" was recently held in Lao Cai province by the province's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Oxfam Vietnam.

Oxfam helps Vietnamese farmers on pork production

The meeting overview (source: baolaocai.vn)

In the meeting, the project outcomes were evaluated. Generally, the project has delivered positive results: After 3 years of being implemented, the quality and number of cattles have been increased, thanks to the technical training, information sharing and assistance in accessing to market information.

The project also benefited smallholder farmers by linking them up with the merchants, slaughtering factories and distributors.

In a broader sphere, the project connected key stakeholders in the value chain of pork in Lao Cai to work toward sustainable development, including connecting with localities and authorities that involved in the project "Collaborate to generate added value for husbandry sector in alignment with international standard".

At the meeting, the delegates also exchange opinions regarding issues such as matching the supply with demand to avoid surplus recession, looking for stable exported markets and review supporting policy.

Oxfam helps Vietnamese farmers on pork production

Farmer introduces products made from pork (source: baolaocai.vn)

The pilot project "Upgrade white pig value chain with the participation of smallholder farmers and gender equality in Lao Cai" is part of the project "Develop sustainable pig value chain in Vietnam", sponsored by the Government of the Netherland in 36 months, from April 2015 to March 2018.

The project was conducted in Xuan Quang commune (Bao Thang district) and Bao Nhai commune (Bac Ha district).

The beneficiaries are 13 groups of smallholder farmers (6 from Xuan Quang, 7 from Bao Nhai) including 255 households (500 farmers, of which 36% are ethnic minorities and 52 % are females).

In the project, male and female farmers received training on production and marketing skills based on the market demand, as well as learned about agricultural policies and services in production and sale of pork, so they can be proactive in joining the chain and get fairer benefit in the value chain./.

( Translated by Phi Yen )