Qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers shining in the flood-stricken Northwest

Cadres and soldiers of Military Region 2 have contributed to further burnishing qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers through their relief efforts in the Northwestern region.
November 03, 2017 | 10:00

Cadres and soldiers of Military Region 2 have contributed to further burnishing qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers through their relief efforts in the flood hard-hit Northwestern region.

The Northwestern region assumes strategic significance to Homeland construction and protection. This region is endowed with difficult terrain, harsh weather and continual natural disasters, which wreak havoc on human life and public property and beset the stationed armed forces’ combat readiness training and firm defensive zones building.

Fully aware of that, the Party Executive Committee and High Command of Military Region 2 have always attached much importance to leadership and command over the task of preventing, controlling and recovering from natural disasters and search and rescue “as a combat mission in peacetime” of the armed forces.

Qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers shining in the flood-stricken Northwest

By late August, storm Talas left 69 people dead, 34 injured, 15 missing and caused huge damages in properties. (source: NDO)

Between June and August, 2017, tropical Storm Talas and its circulation resulted in torrential downpours, landslides and flash floods, causing great losses of life and property damage to the locals in the Northwestern provinces of Ha Giang, Lao Cai, Son La, Yen Bai, Lai Chau and Dien Bien.

By late August, 2017, it left 69 people dead, 34 injured, 15 missing, 1,084 houses swept away, 248 public facilities and 72 transport works devastated, local irrigation systems paralyzed, 3,311.2 hectares of crops submerged, hundreds of fish ponds and 31,937 of cattle and poultry damaged.

Tropical Storm Talas inflicted close to VND 5.5 trillion’s worth of total estimated damages on the region, which worsens the locals’ difficulties.

Qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers shining in the flood-stricken Northwest

Military Region 2 have directed the lower echelons to deploy forces to assist the locals (source: PANO)

Imbued with Uncle Ho’s guidance “Our army is the army of the people, which means our army is the birth child of the people. Therefore, the people’s interests are our top priorities” The Vietnamese army has proactively joined force with the people nationwide in assisting the flood-stricken locals. They have maintained close coordination with local authorities in opportunely and effectively dealing with the aftermath of the storm.

The Party Executive Committee and High Command of Military Region 2 have directed the lower echelons to deploy forces to assist the locals under the 4 “on-the-spots” slogan (on-the-spot command, on-the-spot forces, on-the-spot equipment; on-the-spot logistics) while sending delegations led by heads of the High Command to direct relief efforts. Beforehand preparations enabled Military Region 2 to mobilize about 10,000 cadres and soldiers and lots of equipment in a short time to participate in relief efforts.

Military Region 2 armed forces have promoted the qualities of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers” through their tenacious spirit, which defeated furious torrential downpours and seemingly impassable mountain passes and roads.

Possessing the courage, kindness and enthusiasm, they have overcome countless obstacles to successfully rescue 10 missing victims, evacuate 136 households to safer areas, repair 3.2 kilometres of roads, 4 bridges and spillways and 560 metres of stream embankments.

They also completed the cleanup works in 13 schools and public facilities, free medicine supply for nearly 4,000 locals and chemicals spraying for environmental sanitation.

Qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers shining in the flood-stricken Northwest

Troops of Yen Bai Provincial Military Command takes part in disaster relief work in the province (source: PANO)

Military Region 2 also closely cooperated with the higher echelons, local authorities and benefactors in affording the affected locals about 50 tonnes of rice, 19 tonnes of fresh milk, 6,495 boxes of instant noodles, 200 bunk beds, 32 computers, cash and many other basic necessities, which are valued at hundreds of billions of VND.

Since Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai Province) was one of the worst-hit areas, Military Region 2 sent 2 lifeboats, 10 rafts, 50 soldiers and 22 members of the militia and self-defense forces to Mu Cang Chai in search and rescue efforts with “no stone left unturned”.

The safe return of Sung A Tong (in Hang Gang Hamlet, Lao Chai Commune, Mu Cang Chai District) and many others presumed missing relieved their families’ sufferings and dissipated cadres and soldiers’ fatigue. Considering the people as their own family members, Military Region 2 armed forces overcome seemingly impassable mountain passes and roads to Phinh Ho Hamlet, the remotest hamlet of De Xu Phinh Commune’s, in order to relocate 23 households with 130 members to a safer area as the fissured mountain peak of Na Hau Chong were putting their life in jeopardy.

Thanks to effective participation by Military Region 2 armed forces in recovery efforts, the life of ethnic groups in the Northwestern region has gradually been recovered.

Relief efforts by Military Region 2 armed forces have vividly illustrated fine traditions and qualities of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”. This has contributed to fostering the people’s trust in the Party, State and military, reinforce the spirit of the military’s “being pious to the people” as taught by Uncle Ho to brilliantly shine in the beloved Northwestern region./.

( VNF/National Defence Journal )