Successful Exchange Program Fortifies Vietnam-Cuba Military Relationship

Within the framework of the Vietnam-Cuba young officer exchange from August 16 to 18, a delegation of young officers of the Vietnam People's Army visited a number of combat units of the Cuban Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. This is the opportunity for the young officers from both sides to learn lessons about maintaining discipline, training, and organizing revolutionary action movements and to enhance mutual understanding.
August 20, 2024 | 15:52
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Visiting the Special Mobile Brigade, the delegation of young officers of the Vietnam People's Army participated in the youth activity day "Olive Green Sovereignty." They also met with Cuban Major General Noel Ochoa Gomez, Commander of the Special Forces. He introduced to the Vietnamese delegation the tradition and combat experience of the Special Mobile Brigade - a special forces unit established and directly commanded by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro.

(Photo: QDND.VN)
Delegation of young officers of the Vietnam People's Army visited the Special Mobile Brigade (Photo: QDND.VN).

During the individual combat and tactical exercises, both sides affirmed the similarities between the special forces of the two countries' armies, stemming from their absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland and the people, and the learning and exchange experiences between the two armies.

Vietnam Cuba article
A delegation of young officers of the Vietnam People's Army visited individual combat exercises and tactical exercises at the Special Mobile Brigade (Photo: QDND.VN).

The delegation also visited the Military Security Unit - a unit responsible for military counterintelligence, organizing and controlling military police activities, managing and protecting important locations in Cuba. This unit is located at a large military area and is a large force with more than 50% of its troops being youth union members.

The Vietnamese officers discussed with the Cuban counterparts the activities of the union organization, maintaining discipline in the unit, and the role of young female officers and how to enhance it.

Vietnam Cuba article

Young officers of the Vietnam People's Army had a talk with young Cuban officers at the Military Security unit. (Photo: QDND.VN)

During the program, many cultural and artistic exchange activities took place at the two units to strengthen solidarity and unity between young officers of the two armies.

Vietnam Cuba article
Young officers of the Vietnam People's Army exchange culture and art at the Military Security unit (Photo: QDND.VN)

Also, the delegation of young officers of the Vietnam People's Army visited a number of historical sites in Cuba. After six days (from August 13 to 18), the Vietnam - Cuba Young Officers Exchange 2024 was a great success. There were meaningful exchange activities and experience sharing in areas where both sides have strengths. The program contributed to preserving and fostering the special friendship between the two countries in general and the two armies in particular.

Vietnam Cuba article
Young officers of the Vietnam People's Army visit the Ernesto Che Guevara Museum (Photo: QDND.VN)
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