Kim Dong Publishing House Opens A Comic Book Creation Contest In Vietnam

Kim Dong Publishing House Opens A Comic Book Creation Contest In Vietnam

With the desire to find Vietnamese comic authors and artists and further develop Vietnamese comic works, the French Institute in Vietnam and Kim Dong Publishing House jointly organized the “Comic Book Creation” contest in Vietnam.
Vietnamese Artist Van Duong Thanh Interacts With 1,000 Students In Hanoi

Vietnamese Artist Van Duong Thanh Interacts With 1,000 Students In Hanoi

On April 16, an exchange meeting with artist Van Duong Thanh took place with 1,000 students in Hanoi.
Vietnamese 'Pioneer' octogenarian artist gets first solo exhibit

Vietnamese 'Pioneer' octogenarian artist gets first solo exhibit

An article on the bangkokpost about a Vietnamese artist Mong Bich, aged almost 90, a "pioneer" who has inspired generations of women artists in Vietnam, won plaudits overseas and she has a watercolour in the British Museum's collection.
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