VGCL’s President: "Strengthening Care For Workers' Rights"

“The overall goal of the 2023 - 2028 term is to innovate trade union organization and activities, build a comprehensively strong Vietnam Trade Union, performing functions and tasks well, meeting the requirements of the new situation, focusing on representing, caring for, protecting the legal, legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers."
December 02, 2023 | 22:33

Nguyen Dinh Khang, president of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL), presented the report of the VGCL’s Executive Committee to the 12th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union on the morning of December 2, in Hanoi.

The President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor proposed that trade unions set the task of actively participating in state management and socio-economic management, perfecting the organizational model, attracting and gathering a large number of workers to join the union, building a team of union officials with intelligence, bravery, enthusiasm, responsibility, and good working methods.

According to Nguyen Dinh Khang, the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union is an important political event for the working class, employees, and trade unions. It takes place at a time when union members and workers across the country are trying their best to emulate productive labor, together with the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress.

VGCL’s President:
Nguyen Dinh Khang, president of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL), presented the report at the Congress

Assessing the results of implementing the Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union, he said that in the context of unfavorable factors, trade union activities continue to have important changes, especially in performing the role of representing, caring for, protecting the legal, legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers. This is thanks to the Vietnam Trade Union accompanying the country, under the wise leadership of the Party, the support and coordination of state agencies, organizations in the political system, and employers, along with the adaptability of trade union officials, union members, and workers.

“Trade unions at all levels, especially the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, participated in developing policies and laws related to workers, proposed many recommendations and suggestions for developing laws to protect the rights of workers, making valid recommendations at the National Wage Council, contributing to increasing the regional minimum wage by 25.34% compared to the beginning of the term," Nguyen Dinh Khang said.

The VGCL advised on the successful organization of the Prime Minister's annual dialogue program with workers, National Assembly delegates' specialized meetings with workers, officials, and laborers, contributing to solving their concerns and issues.

VGCL’s President:
Leaders and former leaders of the Party, State, Government and National Assembly attended the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union

The Trade Union also promoted dialogue and collective bargaining activities in a substantive manner, focusing on issues of wages, conditions, and working and rest hours of workers.

The Trade Union continued to strengthen its important role in building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations, contributing to reducing the number of collective work stoppages by 55.3% compared to the 2013-2018 term.

During the Covid-19, trade unions at all levels implemented many advocacy solutions. They issued five policies to support union members, workers and children of workers affected by the pandemic, supporting frontline forces with a total amount of nearly VND6,000 billion (US$246.91 million).

They participated in proposing, coordinating, implementing and supervising the implementation of the Government's support packages for workers and businesses

VGCL’s President:
The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor presents 2023 Tet gifts to workers

Nguyen Dinh Khang also said that the propaganda of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws among union members and workers has many innovations in content and form, especially the widespread application of digital technology.

Union members and workers study and follow President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style. There are many good examples and effective models, contributing to the growth of each agency, unit, and enterprise.

The work of protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against wrong and hostile views has been widely deployed, contributing to minimizing acts of sabotaging the Vietnam Trade Union, the Party and our state regime. The work of developing union members, establishing grassroots trade unions, building strong trade union organizations, and participating in building the Party, State, and political system achieved many results.

Trade union organizations pay attention to building a cultural and spiritual life for workers, especially workers and laborers in industrial parks and export processing zones.

“The comprehensive results of trade union activities and the movement of workers, civil servants, and labor nationwide in the past term made important contributions to the overall achievements of the country. It contributes to strengthening the political system and the growth of the working class, enhancing the glorious tradition of the Vietnam Trade Union," Nguyen Dinh Khang said.

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