Four Suggestions For Trade Union Foreign Affairs in 2023-2028

“People-to-people diplomacy is one of the unique creations of the Vietnamese revolution. Thoroughly grasping President Ho Chi Minh's diplomatic ideology and our Party's views on people-to-people diplomacy is a decisive factor. This is also the most important lesson learned from our country's revolutionary practice and people-to-people diplomacy activities throughout the country's history."
November 30, 2023 | 11:16

Tran Thanh Hai, Standing Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, participated in the forum "Improving the Effectiveness of Trade Union External Activities, promoting the Role of Trade Unions Participating in International Integration."

Attending the forum were Do Thang Hai, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, leaders, experts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, representatives of trade unions of industry and trade, education, construction, agriculture and rural development, Vietnam Railways Trade Union, and labor confederations of Bac Ninh, Ha Tinh, Quang Nam, Kon Tum, and Dien Bien.

Opening of the forum "Improving the effectiveness of trade union external activities, promoting the role of trade unions participating in international integration."

Promoting the role of trade unions participating in international integration

In his opening speech, Deputy Minister Do Thang Hai assessed that the contents discussed at the forum were of important significance during the integration period, related to foreign affairs to promote the role of industry unions participating in international integration. In particular, the content of the forum was identified by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor as one of 10 issues of concern in the new period.

Assessing the current globalization process, Deputy Minister Do Thang Hai said that every country must handle two basic issues at the same time, domestic and foreign affairs. These two issues have a dialectical relationship, interact, and support each other, are closely linked and intertwined.

Four Suggestions For Trade Union Foreign Affairs in 2023-2028
Do Thang Hai, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade.

Deputy Minister Do Thang Hai said, "Foreign affairs today is not only a continuation of domestic policy but also a strong driving force for the development of countries and peoples."

At the forum, the Deputy Minister hoped that all levels, branches, localities, and union members would look back on the process of implementing the Party's Resolution on foreign affairs. This is also an opportunity for them to be deeply aware of the country's situation and position in the region and the world. This creates new motivation and determination for the entire political system, all levels, sectors, each organization and individuals in foreign affairs activities.

The Deputy Minister hoped that the results of the forum would create a new milestone and a stronger change, with greater efficiency for foreign affairs, including trade union diplomacy.

Enhancing understanding and consensus

At the forum, Tran Thanh Hai said that inheriting the Party's foreign policy at the congresses is a new development step to affirm the role, position and tasks of foreign affairs, and people-to-people diplomacy, particularly in the new situation.

Four Suggestions For Trade Union Foreign Affairs in 2023-2028
Tran Thanh Hai, Standing Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Tran Thanh Hai, standing vice president of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor suggested four main topics for discussion at the forum.

The first content is the need to affirm one of the core contents of President Ho Chi Minh's ideology and the path of the Vietnamese revolution. National solidarity must be linked to international solidarity, true patriotism must be linked to the pure internationalism of the working class. Domestic people's solidarity is linked to the world's people's solidarity.

In the new situation, the Vietnam Trade Union needs to strengthen international relations so that the world understands the Union correctly as an organization with a long history of nearly 100 years, creating a trade union cultural identity. Vietnam also constantly expanded its front to support the Vietnam Trade Union, protecting the Trade Union against all plots and tricks aimed at dividing solidarity, unity, mission, and cultural identity.

Four Suggestions For Trade Union Foreign Affairs in 2023-2028
The forum attracted the participation of representatives of local and industry unions.

The third content that needs to be discussed is the task of sharing knowledge about the labor movement and trade unions, especially global issues. The practical experiences carried out by international trade union officials are valuable knowledge that needs to be respected and selectively absorbed. This helps enrich thinking about trade union organization and activities.

The Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor requested delegates to pay attention to improving quality, efficiency, and sustainability in international relations, connect and develop relationships with new partners, and participate more responsibly in multilateral mechanisms, and forums of regional and international trade unions.

In particular, they need to focus on advocacy work and enlist resources from international organizations and non-governmental organizations to support trade union organizations and activities, especially new knowledge about the worker and trade union movements.

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