Vietnam News Today (Aug. 7): Vietnam And Japan Boost Defense Cooperation

Vietnam News Today (Aug. 7): Vietnam and Japan boost defense cooperation; Vietnam, Australia boost securities industry partnership; Vietnam hosts 43rd session of World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations; Vietnam will gain greater achievements in Doi Moi cause.
August 07, 2024 | 09:10
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Vietnam News Today (Aug. 7) notable headlines

Vietnam and Japan boost defense cooperation

Vietnam, Australia boost securities industry partnership

Vietnam hosts 43rd session of World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations

Vietnam will gain greater achievements in Doi Moi cause: Chinese expert

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Vietnam and Japan boost defense cooperation

Vietnam and Japan should increase their defense cooperation in the new period in line with their 2023 comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world, said General Phan Van Giang, Minister of Defense of Vietnam, during talks in Hanoi on August 6 with his Japanese counterpart Kihara Minoru.

Gen. Giang said both sides should increase visit exchanges and effectively maintain annual dialogue and consultation mechanisms, with a primary focus on cooperation in human resource training, defense industry development and technology transfer, alongside overcoming war aftermath and joining UN peacekeeping missions.

He suggested that both sides strengthen consultation and coordination at multilateral mechanisms of which they are both members, thereby contributing to effectively promoting the ASEAN-Japan comprehensive strategic partnership.

Gen. Giang noted that defense relations between Vietnam and Japan have been constantly strengthened in recent times, becoming one of the important pillars of the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership, cited VOV.

General Phan Van Giang, Minister of Defense of Vietnam, holds talks with his Japanese counterpart Kihara Minoru in Hanoi on August 6. (Photo: PANO)
General Phan Van Giang, Minister of Defense of Vietnam, holds talks with his Japanese counterpart Kihara Minoru in Hanoi on August 6. (Photo: PANO)

Both sides have regularly held a defense policy dialogue at the Deputy Minister level, and consultations with staff officers of their navy, army and air forces. They have also coordinated closely at regional forums, including the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+).

Minoru for his part extended his condolences over the recent passing of Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong who had made practical contributions to reinforcing Japan-Vietnam relations.

He expressed his belief that the visit would contribute to further enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnership, including in the field of defense, between the two countries.

Both host and guest discussed regional and international issues of mutual concerns.

With regard to the East Sea issue, Gen. Giang emphasized that Vietnam persists in its policy of resolving all disputes by peaceful means on the basis of international law and regional commitments, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and the impending Code of Conduct in the regional waters.

At the end of their talks, both ministers exchanged a letter of agreement and the Minutes of Implementation of Japan’s transfer of two multi-purpose transport vehicles to support rescue work in Vietnam.

Vietnam, Australia boost securities industry partnership

The State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for cooperation in Sydney, Australia on August 2.

ASIC Chairman Joseph Longo described the event as a pivotal moment in the collaborative efforts between the two regulatory bodies.

This signing not only underscores the enduring bond between the two parties, but also signifies a commitment to fostering cooperation and advancing the growth of the capital markets in both nations, according to VNA.

Vu Thi Chan Phuong, Chair of the SSC, (right) and ASIC Chairman Joseph Longo at the signing ceremony in Australia. (Photo courtesy of SSC)
Vu Thi Chan Phuong, Chair of the SSC, (right) and ASIC Chairman Joseph Longo at the signing ceremony in Australia. (Photo courtesy of SSC)

Longo highlighted that the MoU will enable the two agencies to establish formal information-sharing mechanisms, enhance technical cooperation in market supervision, exchange best practices and bolster investor protection efforts.

He added that the MoU reflects the ASIC's commitment to supporting Vietnam's economic growth and capacity building.

"The ASIC commits to ongoing capacity-building support for the SSC, offering technical assistance, training programs and infrastructure enhancements," said Longo.

The ASIC Chairman praised Vietnam's recent economic strides, noting its resilience and dynamism in the region.

He expressed confidence in Vietnam's capital market growth and development, adding that the MoU marks a fresh start in the partnership, aligning with the shared vision of fostering a vibrant capital market under robust supervisory frameworks.

Vu Thi Chan Phuong, Chairwoman of the SSC, said that the Vietnamese stock market is a crucial avenue for both short and long-term capital infusion for businesses and the economy. She noted its appeal to investors from Australia and beyond.

She acknowledged the valuable support from the Australian government in developing the market, including funding for the Joint Capital Markets Program (J-CAP) by the World Bank.

This assistance aids the country in meeting market criteria, enhancing training activities, capacity building and fostering exchange programs.

"The MoU signed today between the ASIC and the SSC exemplifies a robust cooperative bond, enhancing effective collaboration between the securities regulators and the two nations. This supports the goals outlined in the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Australia," Phuong said.

She is also optimistic that through voluntary cooperation, mutual benefit and legal compliance, the partnership between the SSC and the ASIC will intensify, benefiting regulatory bodies, market operators and Australian businesses and investors in Vietnam.

Phuong also suggested increasing high-level leadership and technical exchanges, conducting practical training programs, workshops and improving information exchange for better market management and supervision.

Vietnam hosts 43rd session of World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations

The 43rd session of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA) Executive Board and an international conference on the role and contributions of UNESCO movements to cultural industries were held on August 5 in Ha Long city in the northern province of Quang Ninh.

This represents a particularly important international event hosted by the Vietnam Federation of UNESCO Associations (VFUA), drawing the participation of 40 representatives from member countries such as China, the Republic of Korea (RoK), Japan, Italy, Greece, Kazakhstan, and Romania, alongside hundreds of delegates from cultural, educational, and scientific agencies and organizations based in the nation, VOV reported.

At the event.
At the event.

In his speech, Nguyen Xuan Thang, president of the Vietnam Federation of UNESCO Associations and ex-officio member of the Executive Board of the WFUCA, emphasized that this conference will mark a new development step of the non-governmental UNESCO movement worldwide, thereby creating new conditions to enhance cooperation and exchange between UNESCO associations and clubs of member countries.

This is together with the aim of enabling more programs and actions across multiple fields such as education, science, culture, and information and communication in line with UNESCO's pure humanitarian ideology for the common goal of humanity.

A notable highlight of this year's conference was that the delegates shared their experience and discussed the role of cultural industries and the creative economy in promoting economic growth, thereby creating livelihoods and preserving cultural heritage.

Le Quoc Minh, editor-in-chief of Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, vice chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education, and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association, emphasized that in the Government's strategy, culture has been identified as an economic spearhead. This is a new entity, requiring every citizen and manager to change their thinking.

He applauded Quang Ninh’s efforts in promoting the value of Hạ Long Bay, which is a UNESCO-recognized World Natural Heritage, for the purpose of tourism development.

The meeting saw the WFUCA Executive Board and member states report their operation outcomes in the 2023 to 2024 period and they approved the supplementations and amendments of the WFUCA Charter. They also elected leaders of the federation in the new tenure and discussed preparations for the 44th session.

Upon concluding the event, member states released a Hạ Long Declaration on the creative economy, with the aim of connecting culture for the purpose of peace and sustainable development.

The session is expected to make positive contributions aimed at building the future of the cultural industry in the nation, reaffirming the role and persistent efforts of the VFUA after decades of tireless contributions to boosting the development of the cultural industry, creating a favorable environment for international co-operation, and affirming the role of the country in protecting and promoting human cultural values.

The WFUCA Executive Board session is held annually to promote global education, science, culture, and communication. This year, hosted by the VFUA, the 43rd session has become an important forum which seeks to discuss and shape activities in a multitude of fields around the world.

The Cultural Values Council of the VUFA awarded certificates of merit and recognition to individuals and organizations with outstanding contributions to UNESCO movements and promoting cultural heritage values in their fields of operation.

Vietnam will gain greater achievements in Doi Moi cause: Chinese expert

Ling Dequan, a researcher at China’s Center for World Affairs Studies, has expressed his belief that under the leadership of the 13th Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, with Party General Secretary and State President To Lam as leader, the Vietnamese people will reap greater achievements in their cause of Doi moi (Renewal).

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, Ling, a former chief representative of China’s Xinhua News Agency in Hanoi, stressed that the revolutionary cause in the Southeast Asian nation initiated by President Ho Chi Minh will surely be carried forward.

The researcher stressed President Lam’s election as Party General Secretary with an absolute majority of votes was an important and logical event, adding that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese President Xi Jinping extended his congratulations to the Vietnamese leader.

After the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the CPV quickly consolidated its leadership, demonstrating Vietnam's political stability and order, as well as the strong, steadfast Party leadership, he continued.

As for priorities in Vietnam’s foreign policy in the time ahead, Ling held that there will be no changes as reflected through Lam’s inauguration speech and that the policy set at the 13th National Party Congress would be inherited and promoted, cited VNA.

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam (Photo: VNA)
Party General Secretary and State President To Lam (Photo: VNA)

The expert noted his special attention to the prospects of the relations between Vietnam and China, the two neighbors connected by mountains and rivers, highlighting the announcement of the building of the Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance in late 2023, which has opened up a new chapter for the relations between the two Parties and countries.

Ling also believed that under the leadership of General Secretaries Xi Jinping and To Lam, the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership would be enhanced in the time to come, and the building of the Vietnam-China community with a shared future would be conducted in an intensive and practical manner.

The two Parties, countries, and peoples will promote the traditional friendship and the "camaraderie plus brotherhood", consolidate mutual political trust, deepen strategic exchange, and promote result-oriented cooperation, for the sake of the two countries’ people, global peace, and humankind’s progress, he said.

Regarding the corruption fight, the researcher said Party building and rectification has been regarded as a key content of the 13th National Party Congress, and that after taking office, Lam said the CPV will continue with the effort, consistently and resolutely fighting the degradation of ideology, morality and lifestyle, and corruption and other negative phenomena within the Party.

Ling also believed that the “blazing furnace” campaign launched by late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong against corruption would continue to be fired, meeting the Party's policy and people's aspirations.

He said the Vietnamese people have made unwavering efforts to complete targets and visions set by the 13th National Party Congress, and gained breakthrough achievements in this regard, stressing the spirit of self-reliance, confidence, self-resilience, and national pride, the Vietnamese Party and people will navigate all difficulties and stay firmly against all challenges to advance on their chosen path and goals.

The researcher also expressed his belief that Vietnam will maximize opportunities and advantages, tap its potential, intensify its strengths, and cope with risks and challenges to successfully achieve strategic targets set at the 13th National Party Congress.

Get-together honors Russian experts - loyal friends of Vietnam: Embassy

On August 5, the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia hosted a get-together to honor Soviet experts, especially those in the military, who supported and accompanied the Vietnamese air defense and air force in their first days.

August 5, 1964, saw a marked victory of the young Vietnamese air defense and air force in the resistance war against the US as they shot down eight planes and captured pilots for the first time, with Soviet military experts making great contributions.

Attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Soviet Peace Fund, and Vietnamese associations in Russia, the event demonstrated the long-lasting friendship between Vietnam and the former Soviet Union, as well as Russia today. The participants observed a minute of silence in memory of late Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong who played a crucial role in promoting the Vietnam-Russia relations.

In his speech, Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi affirmed the Vietnamese people are deeply grateful to Russian experts for their selfless, altruistic, and effective assistance to Vietnam during its struggle for national independence and construction, saying thousands of Soviet experts stood shoulder to shoulder with the Vietnamese army and people to the final victory, as well as in the peacetime, cited WVR.

Get-together honours Russian experts - loyal friends of Vietnam: Russian experts pose for a group photo at the event. (Photo: VNA)
Get-together honours Russian experts - loyal friends of Vietnam: Russian experts pose for a group photo at the event. (Photo: VNA)

The Ambassador highlighted the growing friendship and trust between the two countries, saying despite challenges, they are still flourishing in all areas of cooperation on par with the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

That relationship is entering a new phase of development following the state visit to Vietnam by Russian President Vladimir Putin last June, he stressed.

Nikolai Kolesnik, Chairman of the Russian War Veterans’ Association who once worked in Vietnam, recalled the hardships and challenges during the wartime, and expressed his delight at the remarkable transformation of Vietnam.

He said the results are noteworthy given the great efforts and determination of the Vietnamese people, as well as their love of peace, and their appreciation for all international assistance.

Svetlana Golikova, who was responsible for collecting and sending information about Vietnam's demand for support to the Soviet Union in 1970 – 1971, fully understood the difficulties faced by Vietnam at that time more than anyone else. In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, she could not hide her admiration for Vietnam's revival, and her great love of the Southeast Asian nation.

Ambassador Khoi emphasized that educating the young generation about the significance of the Vietnam-Russia friendship and the value of international solidarity is a task shared by the two countries.

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Rosie Nguyen
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