Vietnam News Today (Jun. 27): Prime Minister Meets With Top Chinese Leader

Vietnam News Today (Jun. 27): Prime Minister meets with top Chinese leader; President To Lam encourages Indian investment in Vietnam; Vietnam – an economic growth model: WEF leader; US veterans assist Vietnam in searching for martyrs' remains.
June 27, 2024 | 07:11
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Vietnam News Today (Jun. 27) notable headlines

Prime Minister meets with top Chinese leader

President To Lam encourages Indian investment in Vietnam

Vietnam – an economic growth model: WEF leader

US veterans assist Vietnam in searching for martyrs' remains

Prime Minister seeks South Korea's support for climate change adaptation

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Vietnam and China vow to handle disagreements, maintain peace at sea

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PM Pham Minh Chinh (L) and Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping (Photo: VNA)
PM Pham Minh Chinh (L) and Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping (Photo: VNA)

Prime Minister meets with top Chinese leader

Developing stable, sustainable, and long-term relations with China is a consistent policy, an objective requirement, a strategic choice, and a top priority of Vietnam's foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification of external ties, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Meeting General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of China Xi Jinping in Beijing on June 26 as part of his working trip to attend the 15thWorld Economic Forum (WEF)’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024, PM Chinh expressed support for China's development goals, including achieving its "second centenary" and building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xi, for his part, affirmed that China highly values and considers the relationship with Vietnam a priority in its overall neighborhood diplomacy policy.

China backs Vietnam’s efforts in safeguarding national independence and dignity, consistently supports Vietnam in realizing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, successfully holding the 14th National Party Congress, and building socialism that matches the country’s context, he said.

Both sides agreed to further concretize their shared high-level perceptions, particularly the Vietnam-China Joint Statement on further deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and building the Vietnam-China Community with a Shared Future that carries strategic significance, cited VNA.

The Chinese leader highlighted the need to enhance political trust, maintain regular high-level exchanges, and effectively uphold the Vietnam-China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation mechanism. He called for increasing collaboration across key sectors such as diplomacy, national defense, and public security; improving efficiency in substantive cooperation; promoting people-to-people exchanges, especially among the younger generation; controlling and better resolving differences; and working closely at multilateral forums, contributing to global and regional development.

Welcoming China’s high-quality investments in Vietnam, PM Chinh suggested that both sides collaborate in building large-scale, iconic, sustainable and highly effective projects; accelerate transport infrastructure connectivity, particularly in railways, roads and border crossings within the framework of connecting the "Two Corridors, One Belt" with the “Belt and Road” initiative. He specifically asked China to facilitate the export of key Vietnamese products such as frozen durian, fresh coconut, rice, making it easier for them to navigate Central Asia and Europe through China.

Vietnam supports China's application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), he said, proposing that both sides continue discussions on this matter.

The Vietnamese PM suggested promoting locality-to-locality cooperation as a new growth driver, studying the pilot model of cross-border economic cooperation zones, expanding border economic cooperation and developing smart border gates. He encouraged localities to proactively enhance cooperation, connect regional development strategies, and expand coordination in finance, banking, education, health care and others.

Speaking highly of PM Chinh’s cooperation proposals, Xi affirmed that China supports Vietnam in accelerating industrialization and modernization, building stable and sustainable supply chains and production networks, regionally and globally, together with China and other nations.

He expressed his desire for both sides to further reinforce joint work in trade, investment, tourism; and leverage their geographical proximity and complementary advantages, and consider piloting cross-border economic zones.

China stays ready to expand the imports of quality Vietnamese goods, he said, adding that China advocates for deepening comprehensive reforms and developing new, quality production capabilities, which will create opportunities to advance trade, enhance road and rail transport and digital economic connectivity.

The Chinese Government supports enterprises in increasing investments in Vietnam, especially in hi-tech and emerging industries, he said.

On global and regional issues of shared concern, host and guest vowed to jointly control and satisfactorily handle differences to maintain peace and stability at sea.

The Vietnamese leader proposed that both sides seriously follow the high-level common perceptions, respect each other's legitimate interests in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and ensure that disputes at sea do not affect the friendship between the two countries.

President To Lam encourages Indian investment in Vietnam

Vietnam welcomes large Indian corporations to invest in the country’s strategic fields such as oil and gas, infrastructure, and seaports, as well as in emerging fields like digital transformation, artificial intelligence, semiconductors, and energy transition.

President To Lam was speaking at a reception in Hanoi on June 26 for Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Sandeep Ayra.

He emphasized that Vietnam and India have treasured a strong traditional friendship nurtured by the leaders and people of the two countries over the past decades, and they have now become comprehensive strategic partners with important role and position in each other’s foreign policies, according to VOV.

Vietnamese President To Lam (R) and Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Sandeep Ayra during their meeting in Hanoi on June 26.
Vietnamese President To Lam (R) and Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Sandeep Ayra during their meeting in Hanoi on June 26.

He spoke highly of the Ambassador’s contributions since assuming his assignment in Vietnam, and suggested that the diplomat continue to coordinate closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries, agencies and localities to further strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

Lam noted that the two countries have made great strides in increasing bilateral cooperation, especially in economics, trade and investment, with two-way trade reaching nearly US$15 billion by 2023. He expected that both sides would create favorable legal corridors for trade and investment activities, striving to soon raise their trade turnover to US$20 billion in the coming time.

At the same time, the president encouraged the two countries to promote cultural, religious and historical connections to enhance tourism cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. He asked the Ambassador to continue fostering support for Vietnam through scholarship programs and preferential credit packages as well as non-refundable aid.

Ayra for his part affirmed that he would try his best to promote India-Vietnam relations, by arranging high-level visits, further deepening defense, economic-trade, science - technology, culture - tourism cooperation, and expanding cooperation into new fields.

He said India is cooperating effectively with Vietnamese agencies and localities through undertaking quick impact projects (QIPs), including a project to restore Cham towers complex in My Son, as well as organizing International Day of Yoga (June 21) in many localities, contributing to spreading humanistic and positive cultural values ​​between the two countries.

Both host and guest also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

The president proposed that the two countries continue to coordinate closely at multilateral forums, contributing to consolidating peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. He highly appreciated India’s implementation of the Act East policy through practical and specific cooperation activities with ASEAN countries, including Vietnam.

The ambassador shared the president’s view that the two countries should further strengthen cooperation and mutual support in the context of the current complex fluctuations both regionally and globally.

Vietnam – an economic growth model: WEF leader

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on June 26 met Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), on the sidelines of the 15th WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024 in Dalian City, China’s Liaoning Province.

The PM spoke highly of Schwab’s vision, and the WEF’s important role in promoting dialogues and cooperation globally, especially public-private partnerships, reported VNA.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (left) and Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), at their meeting on the sidelines of the 15th WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024 in Dalian city, China’s Liaoning province. (Photo: VNA)
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (left) and Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), at their meeting on the sidelines of the 15th WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024 in Dalian city, China’s Liaoning province. (Photo: VNA)

Stressing the success of the Dalian meeting, Chinh said its theme “Next Frontiers for Growth” has inspired countries and businesses to pursue innovation and join hands in building the global economy in the future.

Schwab expressed his impression of Chinh’s message delivered at the plenary session, noting the WEF and its member groups highly value Vietnam’s prospects, investment environment, and economic achievements. He described the Southeast Asian nation as a model of economic growth and the utilization of opportunities generated by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The two sides noted with pleasure significant developments in cooperation between Vietnam and the WEF over the recent past, particularly the signing of the 2023-2026 memorandum of understanding at the 14th WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China's Tianjin last year.

They agreed to effectively carry out the MoU and develop the center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Ho Chi Minh City, scheduled to be officially launched in September, into a leading connection center in the region.

The WEF said it welcomes Vietnam to join its Fourth Industrial Revolution Network, calling this an opportunity for the country to share technology knowledge and enhance cooperation in technology and innovation.

Schwab conveyed an invitation to Chinh to attend the WEF annual meeting in Davos in 2025.

Later the same day, the Vietnamese leader traveled to Beijing for other activities there.

US veterans assist Vietnam in searching for martyrs' remains

A delegation made up of veterans from the US Institute of Peace (USIP) met with representatives from the Vietnam Martyrs' Families Support Association in Ho Chi Minh City on June 26 to share information regarding the search for the remains of Vietnamese martyrs.

The meeting saw the group of US veterans, who fought on local battlefields during the war in Vietnam, provided 20 sets of documents with important information about mass graves buried by the US military.

The US veterans also conducted a handover of war memorabilia to the relatives of Vietnamese martyrs' families, cited VOV.

An overview of the meeting.
An overview of the meeting.

Simultaneously, they were also provided with necessary information by Vietnamese veterans about the search for the remains of American soldiers who are missing or had died on the battlefield in Vietnam.

At the meeting, the US veterans and the Vietnam Martyrs' Families Support Association presented flowers and gifts to the relatives of martyrs whose remains were not found after the war.

Prime Minister seeks South Korea's support for climate change adaptation

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception for Kim Sang-hyup, Co-Chairperson of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of South Korea in Dalian, China, on June 25.

The event took place on the sidelines of the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The two sides were unanimous that the bilateral ties are at the best period in which political trust has been consolidated, VGP reported.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Co-Chairperson of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the Republic of Korea, Dalian, June 25, 2024. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Co-Chairperson of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the Republic of Korea, Dalian, June 25, 2024. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

The two sides shared a lot of opportunities to seize, especially following the elevation of their relationship to the comprehensive strategic partnership in December 2022.

The two economies, said Prime Minister Pham, are supplementary particularly in green growth in which the two countries signed a Framework Agreement for Cooperation on Climate Change in May, 2021.

He called on South Korea to continue assistance for Vietnam in such fields as research and development, innovation, realization of strategic goals on climate change, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Prime Minister suggested South Korea collaborate closely with Vietnam to ensure the success of the 4th Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit in 2025.

In reply, Chairman Kim said that South Korea is interested in and determined to materialize the goal of carbon neutrality and green growth.

As the Co-Chairperson of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, Kim reiterated that the commission pledges to back Vietnam to successfully host the P4G summit in 2025.

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Rosie Nguyen
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