Vietnam News Today (Sep. 28): Vietnam, RoK Intensify Defense Cooperation

Vietnam News Today (Sep. 28): Vietnam, RoK intensify defense cooperation; Australia and Vietnam foster innovation, education, training partnership toward green economy; HCM City fosters cooperation with Cuba’s Santiago de Cuba province; Phu Quoc to attract large number of international visitors by year’s end.
September 28, 2024 | 09:17
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Vietnam News Today (Sep. 28) notable headlines

Vietnam, RoK intensify defense cooperation

Australia and Vietnam foster innovation, education, training partnership toward green economy

HCM City fosters cooperation with Cuba’s Santiago de Cuba province

Phu Quoc to attract large number of international visitors by year’s end

Cuba awards Jose Marti Order for top Vietnamese leader

Vietnam, India's Uttar Pradesh forge closer ties at Int’l Trade Expo 2024

Vietnam, Cuba issue joint statement

Lai Chau, Chinese locality conduct cross-border patrol

Khanh Hoa draws Korean investors to green, sustainable industries

Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army Sen. Lieut. Gen Nguyen Tan Cuong (Photo: VNA)
Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army Sen. Lieut. Gen Nguyen Tan Cuong (Photo: VNA)

Vietnam, RoK intensify defense cooperation

Vietnam always attaches importance to developing comprehensive strategic partnership, especially in defense, with the Republic of Korea (RoK), said member of the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission and Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army Sen. Lieut. Gen Nguyen Tan Cuong.

During a reception in Hanoi on September 27 for Chief of Staff of the Air Force of the RoK Gen. Lee Young Su, Cuong highlighted the steady progress in bilateral defense cooperation, particularly in education-training, maritime security, war recovery, defense industry, and engagement in UN peacekeeping operations, cited VNA.

He assured Lee that the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense always supports and stands ready to facilitate the air forces of both countries in carrying out the agreed cooperation activities.

The goal is to make cooperation between the two air forces increasingly substantive, sustainable, and on par with the broader bilateral defense cooperation, as well as the overall Vietnam-RoK relationship, Cuong said.

Gen. Lee briefed Cuong on the outcomes of his earlier meeting with Commander of the Air Defense-Air Force Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Hien, saying that both sides reviewed the results of their cooperation thus far and agreed on orientations for future collaboration.

Lee expressed his belief that the bilateral defense relationship, and specifically the ties between the two air forces, will develop even further in the time ahead.

Australia and Vietnam foster innovation, education, training partnership toward green economy

Australian education experts have made a working trip to Vietnam from September 25-27 to explore potential partnerships in education and training across Government, academia, and industry, focusing on the transition to net zero and advancing green economy priorities, according to the Australian Embassy in Hanoi.

The delegation led by Rebecca Ball, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner of the Australian Government comprised leaders, professors, industry experts from 17 leading universities and training institutions and representatives of four States and Territories.

The visit, part of the Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange (A-SEABX) Mission, saw experts updated on latest transnational education policies and practices through the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) Education Partnership and Investment Conference in Hai Phong. 17 Australian leading institutes also visited DEEP C Industrial Zones facilities, engaged with state-owned enterprises and industry leaders, to better understand Vietnam’s green economy transition, according to VOV.

Delegates attend the Australia-Vietnam Partnerships: Innovation, Education and Training towards a Green Economy Forum in Hanoi on September 27. (Photo: Australian Embassy)
Delegates attend the Australia-Vietnam Partnerships: Innovation, Education and Training towards a Green Economy Forum in Hanoi on September 27. (Photo: Australian Embassy)

On 27 September, the Australia-Vietnam Partnerships: Innovation, Education and Training towards a Green Economy Forum, hosted by the Australian Trade and Investment (Austrade), welcomed over 150 Vietnamese universities, colleges, associations and businesses from agriculture, energy and manufacturing industries to hear from 16 Australian and Vietnamese professors and speakers; as well as explore academic and research partnerships with Australian educational institutions.

On the same day, Austrade, in collaboration with Hanoi University of Science and Technology, organized the Roundtable Discussion, focusing on renewable energy, battery storage and green building. The Australian delegation had in-depth discussions with Vietnamese universities and leading businesses to prepare for Vietnamese science and technology graduates with skills and knowledge to navigate net zero goals.

Vietnam’s national strategy aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, focusing on reducing greenhouse gasses, increasing the use of renewable energy, and enhancing sustainable urban development. The transition is expected to generate nearly 1 million new jobs by 2040. Vietnam will need to reskill, upskill and new-skill its workforce to meet employment demands in new and existing sectors including energy, manufacturing and transportation.

“As Vietnam strives to achieve its ambitious net-zero emissions target by 2050, Australia’s expertise in green technologies, sustainable practices, and clean energy solutions will play a crucial role in supporting Vietnam’s workforce development and green economy transition. Our institutions, recognised globally for sustainability programs, stand ready to contribute to Vietnam’s decarbonization efforts and future economic growth,” said Rebecca Ball, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Austrade.

Ranked 11th globally for sustainability programs, Australian institutions are at the forefront of research and innovation in green technologies. Australia’s leadership in hydrogen exportation, lithium production, and clean energy further underscores its role in providing the knowledge and tools needed for Vietnam’s successful transition. With a proven track record of delivering high-quality, industry-relevant education and training programs centered on sustainability and green technologies, Australian educational institutions are well-positioned to bridge the “green” skill gaps in Vietnam.

HCM City fosters cooperation with Cuba’s Santiago de Cuba province

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Duong Ngoc Hai hosted a reception on September 27 for a visiting delegation from Cuba’s Santiago de Cuba province led by Vice Governor Waldis Gonzalez Peinado.

Hai affirmed that HCM City attaches great importance to and has active cooperation with the Cuban Government and localities, especially in the fields of education, health care, trade, and people-to-people exchange.

He noted that trade between HCM City and localities in Cuba reached nearly 8 million USD in the first eight months of this year. The two sides have regularly organized delegation exchanges at all levels, he added.

The municipal leader said that HCM City is a regional connection center and an international trade hub, owning Tan Son Nhat International Airport and Cat Lai Port, the largest port in the country, while Santiago de Cuba is the second largest province in Cuba, with strengths in agriculture, industry, tourism and culture.

Santiago de Cuba's seaport plays an important role in international trade, serving as the gateway connecting Cuba to the world, he noted, holding that the two localities share many similarities in potential, strength and development needs, VNA reported.

At the reception (Photo: VNA)
At the reception (Photo: VNA)

In 2007, HCM City and the Administration of Santiago de Cuba signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on promoting their friendly and cooperative relations. However, to date, bilateral collaboration activities have not been carried out.

Therefore, Hai proposed that the two sides resume exchanges and take steps towards the signing of a MoU to establish a new friendly and cooperative relationship, which clearly states priority areas and includes specific cooperation programmes.

For his part, Waldis Gonzalez Peinado said that this HCM City trip to attend the HCM City Friendship Dialogue and Economic Forum has provided the delegation with much practical experience, and enabled them to seek potential for cooperation with HCM City.

Santiago de Cuba province has an important strategic position, not only for Cuba but also for the Caribbean region. It is an industrial hub for important industries, he said, asserting that the province and HCM City have many similarities in potential and strength for cooperation.

Affirming the province’s readiness to restart the signed MoU, Waldis Gonzalez Peinado suggested that the two sides quickly sign specific cooperation contents and implement them drastically, while grasping advantages from similarities and potentials to soon put cooperation into practice.

He said he hopes that HCM City will send a delegation to the 2025 Caribbean Expo in Cuba, and help connect more provinces and cities in the southern region of Vietnam with Santiago de Cuba to explore cooperation opportunities.

Phu Quoc to attract large number of international visitors by year’s end

The number of foreign arrivals to Phu Quoc island, dubbed the paradise island of Vietnam, rose by 56.5% year on year to reach 723,960 in the first nine months of the year, and the figure is forecast to continue growing, as the final months of the year mark the international tourist season in the country.

According to Bui Quoc Thai, director of Kien Giang’s Department of Tourism, international visitors to Phu Quoc pearl island account for more than 98% of the total number of foreign arrivals to the province.

There are now around 100 flights per week connecting 150 countries and territories worldwide to Phu Quoc city. Among them are many direct flights which bring in international visitors from the Republic of Korea, Taiwan (China), Malaysia, and Thailand to the island, cited VOV.

Photo: VOV
Photo: VOV

Nguyen Vu Khac Huy, permanent vice president of the Kien Giang Tourism Association, said that the sharp increase in the number of foreign tourists to the island is largely due to extensive media coverage, as well as the numerous international awards Phu Quoc has received.

Furthermore, favorable visa policies, the emergence of major luxury hotel brands, and new unique tourism products are among the main reasons which have attracted more and more foreigners to Phu Quoc.

Kien Giang’s Department of Tourism forecasts that Phu Quoc will welcome 123,000 foreign arrivals during the three remaining months of the year to raise the total number to 847,226 for the whole year, marking an annual increase of 52.6%.

The number of foreign visitors to Phu Quoc will therefore continue to increase due to the year-end holidays, especially Christmas, the New Year, and winter holidays. In addition, many international flights from North Europe, North America, and Central Asia will resume, carrying more tourists to the pearl island.

Cuba awards Jose Marti Order for top Vietnamese leader

Cuba has awarded Jose Marti Order for General Secretary and President of Vietnam To Lam in honor of his contributions to the solidarity, friendship, and faithful relations between the two countries.

To say that it is an honor for him to get the order, he quoted President Ho Chi Minh as saying: "Vietnam and Cuba are tens of thousands of miles apart, but the hearts of the two countries' people are as close as brothers in a family."

The top Vietnamese leader recalled Fidel Castro's immortal saying "For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to sacrifice its own blood."

He affirmed that Vietnam pursues its consistent stance on solidarity and support for the just struggle of the Cuban people and resolutely demands that the U.S. implement the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly on immediately and unconditionally lift the embargo, or hostile policies and actions against Cuba, VGP reported.

First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez presents Jose Marti Order to Vietnamese General Secretary and President To Lam in Havana on September 26, 2024. Photo: VNA
First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez presents Jose Marti Order to Vietnamese General Secretary and President To Lam in Havana on September 26, 2024. Photo: VNA

To was convinced that Cuba will overcome all challenges and attain new achievements in the coming time.

This is To Lam's first visit to Cuba in his capacity as the top leader of the Party and State of Vietnam. It is taking place in the context that the two countries will celebrate the 65th anniversary of their diplomatic relations in 2025.

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Rosie Nguyen
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