Vietnamese Soldiers Hand Over Classrooms and Kitchen to African Children

On June 12, the working group led by Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son (Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army) attended the inauguration ceremony and handed over two 30 sqm classrooms and a kitchen to the E.C.S.S Nyinkuac Primary School in Abyei (Africa).
June 14, 2024 | 15:51
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According to the report of the Engineering Team, the school was established in 2006, but now its infrastructure has been seriously degraded due to armed conflict. Located in the middle of a large area with no fences, the school lacks classrooms and dining facilities for more than 300 students and 11 teachers.

Students in grades 1 and 3 have to study under a tree in the hot weather of the dry season and the high humidity of the rainy season. At mealtime, teachers and children eat lunch under the trees in the hallway.

Knowing that situation, the Engineering Team spent their days off and used old materials from previous projects to help the school. After 10 days, two classrooms with an area of ​​about 30 sqm, accommodating 30 students each, and a 12-sqm kitchen was completed.

Vietnamese Soldiers Hand Over Classroom and Kitchen to African Children
The Vietnamese delegation attended the inauguration ceremony of two classrooms for African children. Photo: Hoang Phong.

Garang Mithiang Arop, the school's math teacher, said: "The children no longer have to study outdoors. Thank you, thank you Vietnam."

Luar Mayol, a representative of Mijak community said: "The officers from Vietnam not only make efforts in their professional duties but are also very close to the local community. They help giving us hope for a better life."

On the same day, Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son's working group also came to Mijak village to attend the boat handover ceremony of the local people. A representative of the Engineering Team said the building is located on the main traffic road, close to the large river Khor Bumbelo in the South Division. People here mainly make a living from river work and travel by iron or wooden canoes.

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Valerie Mai
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