Vietnam's Moment to Shine: Hosting the 6th World Science Forum

Professor Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh - Member of the European Academy, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University College London (United Kingdoms) expressed her high hopes for the 6th World Science Forum at the 2024 forum of Overseas Vietnamese Intellectuals and Experts.
August 29, 2024 | 08:52
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The governments of many countries around the world often invest in scientific research activities to contribute to enhancing national prestige, stimulating economic growth and increasing competitive advantage compared to other countries, said Thanh.

She believed that Vietnam needs to pay attention to investing in science development, and have a scientific system that creates academic freedom. This will help attract foreign cooperation, increase the quality of research and funding for science from foreign sources.

Vietnam's Moment to Shine: Hosting the 6th World Science Forum

Professor Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh (Photo: TD).

In addition, Vietnam may host the 6th World Science Forum (WSF) in 2026.

The World Science Forum usually attracts about 1,500-2,000 people representing many scientific fields from 100 countries around the world. Among them are heads of international scientific organizations (regional, global), science diplomacy advocates, heads of national research funding and research implementation organizations including scientific academies, associations, national laboratories, research councils, eminent scientists, science communicators, young scientists.

WSF also attracts science policy makers, including ministers of science, heads of parliamentary science committees, science advisers, and government science offices. It welcomes leaders in science journalism, science communication, and also global companies involved in research and development (R&D), and representatives of civil society and non-governmental organizations. The representation of global science at the institutional level is outstanding.

According to Thanh, WSF is a rare opportunity for Vietnam to “raise its international status and prestige” and improve the national image, thereby attracting new investments from outside. Vietnam’s organization of the WSF is also in line with the Party and State’s policies, which is to increasingly develop friendly and cooperative relations, meet people’s needs and contribute to maintaining peace, cooperation and prosperity in the region and the world. This can be the chance for Vietnam to elevate multilateral diplomacy, and promote the role of an active and responsible member in the international community.

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