Revisting millionaire prize winners from drinking Zero Degree Green Tea

Winning the millionaire prize, labourer immediately get his "debt burden" off his shoulders

Like 3 lucky customers who won the millionaire prizes by cooling their lives with Zero Degree Green Tea in the summer of 2023. Mr. Pham Duy Khoi (Hung Yen) - the 4th millionaire prize winner thanks to drinking Zero Degree Green Tea also quickly "cooled off" life" to help his family alleviate the pressure of debt. For him, the prize money helped him get rid of an heavy burden.
June 18, 2024 | 19:13
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At the end of June 2023, Mr. Pham Duy Khoi (33 years old, residing in Ho Tung Mau commune, An Thi district, Hung Yen), was working as a labour -for-hire at the southern wholesale market of Hanoi, was lucky enough to become a millionaire prize winner thanks to choosing Zero Degree Green Tea to cooloff life.

Talking about his chance to win 100 million VND from Zero Degree Green Tea, Mr. Khoi said: "My job works night until dawn. The weather is hot and stuffy. The work is hard and strenuous, so I often quench my thirst and dispel daily stress and fatigue with Zero Degree Green Tea to stay healthy and work hard to earn a living for my family."

Mr. Khoi shared that every time he finished quenching his thirst, he kept the bottle. When he finished work in the morning, he tore off the label and texted the code to participate in Zero Degree Green Tea's promotion program in the hope of winning a mobile scratch card. "The job is hard and I work far from home. So it’s good if I can save any penny to take care of my wife and children," Mr. Khoi confided.

At that time, Mr. Khoi said he texted to participate in the promotion more than a dozen times but did not win any mobile scratch cards. However, because he has been used to drinking Zero Degree Green Tea to cool down his life for many years, he drinks it every day and tears off the label to text the codes to participate in the promotion program. "I texted a lot but didn't win anything. So much so that when the organizers called to announce that I had won the 100 million VND prize, I didn't believe it because I was afraid of being scammed," Mr. Khoi added.

Winning the millionaire prize, labourer immediately get his
Mr. Pham Duy Khoi is the third lucky person to win the 100 million VND millionaire prize thanks to cooling down life every day with Khong Do Green Tea in the summer of 2023.

After many days of being persuaded by the organizers and checking information online, Mr. Khoi believed that he had truly won 100 million VND and proceeded to claim the prize.

"It was only then that I told my wife. At first she didn't believe me, thinking I was joking. But when I sent her articles about people who had won prizes so far, she believed it. We were estatic. 100 million VND is the amount of money that came from the time that I worked hard and stayed up all night to earn. So I'm very happy. I would like to thank the program and thank Zero Degree Green Tea very much," Mr. Khoi said, overwhelmed by emotions.

Winning the millionaire prize, labourer immediately get his
From June 10 to August 8 this year, Zero Degree Green Tea continues to launch the biggest promotion of the year with a total cash amount of up to 1.8 billion VND and a series of other valuable prizes and more than 200 thousand mobile scratch cards.

1 year since winning the prize, Mr. Khoi is still working at the wholesale market south of Hanoi. However, instead of the pressure, worries, and concerns about the amount of debt to build a house from 2015, he is now much more relieved.

“After receiving the reward, I immediately paid the debt. Even though my family still owes about 300 million VND, I feel much more relieved than a year ago. I believe that I will try my best to work every day and continue to participate in this year's summer promotion program. If luck comes my way, I will pay off the remaining debt," Mr. Khoi said with a smile.

From June 10 to August 8 this year, Zero Degree Green Tea continues to launch the biggest promotion of the year for consumers across the country.

Zero Degree Green Tea continues to heat things up with cash prizes of up to 1.8 billion VND and a series of iPhone 15 Pro Maxes, Apple watch series 9 and more than 200 thousand mobile scratch cards worth from 10,000 to 500,000 VND while cooling off life to dispel stress and fatigue on this year's record hot summer days.

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