Thomas (Tom) Wilber
For Thomas (Tom) Wilber's latest contributions to VietnamTimes, see below:
Do Xuan Oanh and People-to-People Diplomacy During the American War (Part 2)
18/08/2023 10:24
Xuan Oanh wrote the famous song "August 19", which was sung at the Hanoi Opera House square on August 19, 1945. However, he is also known as a people's diplomat.
Do Xuan Oanh and People-to-People Diplomacy During the American War
18/08/2023 09:38
Xuan Oanh (1923-2010) wrote the song "August 19", which was commented by musician Do Hong Quan as "represents the heart of the whole nation, shows the excitement of the whole nation." The song made a special imprint when it was performed at the Hanoi Opera House square on August 19, 1945.
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