Award Ceremony of "Vietnam Today Through The Eyes Of Children" Contest Held in Budapest

The award ceremony of the "Vietnam today through the eyes of children" drawing contest, organized by the Vietnamese Women's Association in Hungary, took place in Budapest on May 25.
May 28, 2024 | 11:21

Under the sponsorship of the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary, the competition for students of secondary schools across Hungary is carried out from March 2023 to April 30. There were 364 entries from students from nearly 50 schools across Hungary.

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Vietnamese and Hungarian delegates at the award ceremony (Photo: TD).

Head of the Organizing Committee, Dr. Phan Bich Thien, President of the Vietnamese Women's Association in Hungary, shared that the contest aims to bring the image of Vietnam closer to students in Hungarian schools.

"We are very touched because of the time and effort that the students put in creating the drawings. They have seriously learned about the country, culture, and traditional values of Vietnam. Alongside the hundreds of students participating in the contest, thousands of parents, grandparents, and teachers also research and explore Vietnam with them.

This is a very effective way of promoting the image of Vietnam, especially with the young generation in Hungary. Not only Hungarian and Vietnamese students but also many foreign students such as Chinese, Danish, and Swis submitted paintings, making the contest international," said Dr. Phan Bich Thien.

FESPASCO Brings African Best Motion Pictures to Hanoi
(Photo: TD)

Vietnamese Ambassador to Hungary Nguyen Thi Bich Thao highly appreciated the initiative of organizing a drawing competition about Vietnam made by the Vietnamese Women's Association in Hungary. This is a new, effective initiative and direction in promoting the image of Vietnam. Hungarian friends can understand more about Vietnam, said Thao, and become more inspired to learn about the country, people, traditions, landscapes, and development of Vietnam.

Head of jury, painter, graphic artist Molnár Péter stated that, in the submitted paintings, the country of Vietnam with thousands of years of history and a modern, integrated Vietnam in the 21st century blended very vividly. Choosing the winning paintings was also a challenge for the jury because all the students who submitted paintings took their drawings seriously and it can be seen that Vietnam is very important for them.

FESPASCO Brings African Best Motion Pictures to Hanoi
(Photo: TD)

The contest's paintings not only portrayed the landscapes of Vietnam but also showed the traditional costumes of Vietnamese ethnic groups, popular natural wonders, buildings and towers, skyscrapers, old and present marks and memories. The paintings present a harmonious blend of the bustling city and peaceful landscapes in Vietnam. "Vietnam is amazing, Vietnam is worth visiting, Vietnam is waiting for you!" is the message that the jury felt through the competition's paintings.

At the ceremony, Kovács Péter, District Head of District 16, Budapest City, a resident with many Vietnamese families, congratulated the success of the contest. Watching the exhibition of award-winning paintings. Many talented Hungarian students vividly expressed today's Vietnam, a beautiful country with a rich culture and fast-paced development.

FESPASCO Brings African Best Motion Pictures to Hanoi
The Certificates of Merit to 6 students who won first and second prizes and Certificates of Merit to the contest organizers were awarded on May 25 (Photo: TD).

The contest was held for two age groups. The winner of the Grade 1-4 category is Szabó Zétény while Sebok Lilla won first prize for Grade 5 to 8.

"When learning about the contest, I read a lot about Vietnam. I painted the picture in eight days, showing one side of the river is ancient Vietnam and the other side is modern Vietnam today," said 10-year-old Szabó Zétény.

At the Award Ceremony, Ambassador Nguyen Thi Bich Thao awarded the Certificates of Merit to 6 students who won first and second prizes and Certificates of Merit to the contest organizers for their creative ideas and successful organization of the contest.

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