Cao Bang: Where Faith Connects the Community

Singing psalms, reading the Bible, praying, and striving for goodness are the daily activities of Evangelical believers in Cao Bang. In line with the Party and State's policy on freedom of religion, the Cao Bang authorities create all conditions to ensure the people's spiritual life, allowing them to freely practice their religion.
July 05, 2024 | 09:46
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Where carols resound

Every Thursday morning and Sunday afternoon, the sound of worship and Bible verses fills the air at the Evangelical group gathering place at Hoang A Di's house in Pac Ra hamlet, Ly Bon commune, Bao Lam district, Cao Bang province. This place is not only for religious activities but also a gathering area for local people to exchange information about the Party's and State's policies, legal knowledge, and share farming practices, all in pursuit of good deeds.

This Sunday, Ma Van Binh (from Pac Ra hamlet) dressed in black pants, a white shirt, and leather shoes. He arrived at the meeting point an hour early to practice a new psalm. "The song is a prayer for God to help us change ourselves, and the melody is so deep and melodious that it requires a lot of practice," said Binh.

Since joining the Evangelical group in 2021, Binh said that his life has changed positively. The fellow believers are close-knit and like family. "Now I rarely gather to smoke and drink, I only stay home, work in the fields, and take care of the cattle for my parents. Every week, I come to the meeting point on Saturday evenings to learn to sing, play the piano and guitar, and attend church on Sunday," he said.

According to Hau A Lu, Deputy Head of the Pac Ra hamlet Evangelical group, the group has not yet been licensed due to the lack of some conditions, but the believers are still allowed to meet weekly by the authorities. "Each time we meet, we remind the people to comply with state regulations, do good deeds, and ensure security and order. The local authorities are guiding us in completing the dossier to apply for a license to operate in a centralized manner."

Cao Bang: Where Faith Connects the Community
Practicers who gather at the Evangelical meeting place are people of Mong ethnic group in Na Ca hamlet, Pac Mieu town, Bao Lam district, Cao Bang province. (Photo: Thanh Luan)

Na Ca hamlet (Pac Miu town, Bao Lam district) has two Evangelical groups, namely the Mong group led by Hoang Van Sung and the Dao group led by Chao Van Phin.

Hoang Van Sung adapted to the harsh environment of Vietnam's remote north to continue practicing his faith. "Due to the difficult terrain and roads, it was inconvenient for the villagers to travel, so my family moved to another place and lent our house for religious activities. As the group leader, I will preach the Bible and explain the Party's and State's policies to the villagers so that they do not deviate from the policies and have the freedom to express their faith."

According to Sung Thi Dia (Na Ca hamlet), her family used to cross the river to participate in religious activities. Since the centralized area for religious activities at Hoang Van Sung's house was established, her family can now travel 2 kilometers less. Thanks to the support of the local authorities, the hamlet's roads are now paved with concrete and equipped with street lights, making it easier for the villagers to travel and participate in all the activities.

Creating conditions for people to express their faith

To create conditions for ethnic minority people in border areas to freely practice their religion, the Cao Bang provincial authorities have implemented many practical methods and activities, including the "Self-managed religious groups for security and order" model. It has been selected by the Ministry of Public Security as one of the typical models in the nationwide movement to protect national security and contributes to ensuring the right to freedom of religion in Vietnam.

Cao Bang: Where Faith Connects the Community
Representatives of the government and functional agencies granted the project "Light of Security" to the people of Na Ca hamlet, Pac Mieu town, Bao Lam district, Cao Bang province. (Photo: Thanh Luan)

Upon assessing the situation, the Pac Miu Town Police Department observed that the Mong Evangelical group in Na Ca hamlet possesses a strong sense of unity, mutual support, and adherence to the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies, and local regulations on religious management and activities. The local people, religious dignitaries, officials, and believers of the Mong Evangelical group fully agree and support the establishment of a model to ensure security and order within the group.

Therefore, on June 20, 2024, the People's Committee of Pac Miu Town issued a decision to establish the "Self-managed religious group for security and order" model in Na Ca hamlet, with Hoang Van Sung, Head of the Mong Evangelical group in Na Ca hamlet, as the Head of the model's Steering Committee. The model aims to minimize the conditions and factors that could lead to crime in the local area and within the religious community; to promote the initiative and effectiveness of each individual and believer in grasping the situation, preventing and combating crime and violations of the law. Participation in the model will also help people live a life in accordance with religious principles, effectively serving the economic, cultural, and social development of the Mong Evangelical group in Na Ca hamlet in particular, and Pac Miu town, Bao Lam district, Cao Bang province in general.

Talking about the model's operational plan, Hoang Van Sung said he will strengthen the management role of the Steering Committee, dignitaries, and positions in the group site. The model will promote good implementation of legal regulations on religion; promptly and coordinate with functional forces to handle cases quickly and effectively to ensure and maintain stability in the security, political, religious, social order, and safety situation in group sites and Na Ca village. At the same time, the model will also focus on exchanging and fully reflecting information to ensure timely and coordinated resolution of all situations and incidents related to security and order at the group sites in particular, and the whole neighborhood in general. The model also promotes coordination in building a movement of all people to protect national security, gradually improving the effectiveness of preventing and fighting all types of crimes.

With the support and facilitation of the authorities at all levels, the spiritual life and freedom of religion of ethnic minorities in Cao Bang are guaranteed, contributing significantly to the stability and development of the locality. These efforts not only help people practice their faith but also contribute to building a cohesive, united, and sustainably developing community.

According to a report by the Cao Bang People's Committee, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Evangelism are the three religions practiced by people in the province, with 23,500 believers, of whom Evangelism accounts for the largest proportion with over 21,300 believers. The activities of religious organizations are basically stable, purely for religious purposes, law-abiding, and in accordance with the charters, regulations, and objectives of the religious organizations.
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Thanh Luan