China - ASEAN Hold Virtual Meeting to Promote People-to-People Diplomacy

Delegates of friendship organizations of ASEAN countries with China shared information about the pandemic, and appreciated China's support and information and experience sharing.
July 31, 2021 | 10:57
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China - ASEAN Hold Virtual Meeting to Promote People-to-People Diplomacy
Nguyen Phuong Nga, president of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (L), and Nguyen Van Tho, Vice President of the Vietnam - China Friendship Association. (Photo: Tuan Viet/VUFO)

A special virtual meeting was held among leaders of friendship organizations between ASEAN countries and China with the theme "United to prevent and control the pandemic, promote economic recovery and protect regional and global peace, stability and development." Taking place on July 30, the event celebrates the 30th anniversary of ASEAN - China relations.

The online meeting was participated by Lin Songtian, president of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Gu Xiulian, president of China - ASEAN Association, and leaders of friendship organizations with China from 10 ASEAN countries.

The Vietnam delegations included Nguyen Phuong Nga, president of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, and Nguyen Van Tho, Vice President of the Vietnam - China Friendship Association.

China - ASEAN Hold Virtual Meeting to Promote People-to-People Diplomacy
Nguyen Van Tho, Vice President of the Vietnam - China Friendship Association. (Photo: Tuan Viet/VUFO)

Nguyen Van Tho congratulated Chinese leaders and people on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the achievement of the country's first centennial goal. He sent regards to the people of Henan province, China, who are suffering heavy losses due to floods and rains. Tho thanked the Chinese government and people for providing Vietnam with 500,000 doses of China-manufactured vaccines against Covid-19.

The vice president of Vietnam - China Friendship Association spoke of Vietnam's strict methods to both protect citizens' health and ensure socio-economic development. Vietnam has launched a nationwide vaccination campaign to earn herd immunity by the end of 2021 or early 2022. The country is promoting the research and production of domestic vaccines in the country, which has shown positive initial results.

China - ASEAN Hold Virtual Meeting to Promote People-to-People Diplomacy
Overview of the meeting. (Photo: Tuan Viet/VUFO)

Tho said the regional and global context was complex, considering the Covid-19 pandemic, competition among powers, trade, science, and technology competition, sovereignty disputes, and complicated developments in the Bien Dong Sea. In that context, comprehensive solidarity and cooperation in the spirit of mutual trust and respect for international law were the keys to success in fighting the pandemic, promoting economic recovery, contributing to peace, stability, and development regionally and globally.

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations and Vietnam - China Friendship Association will continue to work closely with friendship organizations of China and Southeast Asian countries to strengthen the friendship between the people of Vietnam other countries in the region, Tho said.

Delegates of friendship organizations of ASEAN countries with China shared information about the pandemic situation, and appreciated China's support and information and experience sharing. They emphasized the need to promote the spirit of solidarity, creativity, and exploit the people's resources to overcome difficulties together and continue to develop.

Agreeing that people-to-people exchanges between ASEAN and China over the past 30 years have achieved good results, the delegates discussed measures for cooperation in the coming time and called for continuing solidarity, mutual assistance to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, recover the economy, and promote people-to-people exchanges, to enhance friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of ASEAN countries and China.

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