Deputy PM Pham Binh Minh welcomes new Mozambican ambassador

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh received new Mozambican Ambassador to Vietnam Leonardo Rosario Manuel Pene in Hanoi on July 18.
July 19, 2018 | 10:06

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh received new Mozambican Ambassador to Vietnam Leonardo Rosario Manuel Pene in Hanoi on July 18.

Deputy PM Pham Binh Minh welcomes new Mozambican ambassador

Deputy PM and FM Pham Binh Minh (R) receives new Mozambican Ambassador to Vietnam Leonardo Rosario Manuel Pene

Deputy PM Minh reaffirmed that Vietnam attaches importance to developing relations with Mozambique, one of its key partners in southern Africa.

He stressed that the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other agencies will create the best possible conditions for the diplomat to fulfill his duties.

At the meeting, host and guest discussed specific measures to enhance the two countries’ cooperation in such key areas as agriculture, telecommunications, education, and healthcare, as well as to expand bilateral ties in potential fields like transport, mining, and oil and gas.

They also agreed to facilitate people-to-people exchange and business-to-business partnership.

For his part, the new ambassador expressed his honor to work in Vietnam, adding that leaders of Mozambique treasure relations with the Southeast Asian nation and hope bilateral ties can be enhanced through various channels, including between their Parties, parliaments, and peoples.

Mozambique hopes that political trust will be a foundation for connecting the two economies across the two continents, he noted.

The diplomat pledged to make concerted efforts to strengthen the countries’ friendship, boost bilateral trade, attract more Vietnamese investment into Mozambique, and create favorable conditions for exchanges between the business circles and peoples of the two countries./.


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