Dutch Version of Party Leader’s Book on Socialism Launched in Brussels

A ceremony has been held recently in Brussels, Belgium, to launch the Dutch version of the book "Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam” by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.
October 14, 2023 | 11:30
Dutch Version of Party Leader’s Book on Socialism Launched in Brussels
The Dutch version of the book "Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam” by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo: VNA

At the launching ceremony on October 12, international friends spoke highly of the great value of the book, according to VietnamPlus.

Chinese Ambassador to Belgium Cao Zhongming highly valued Vietnam's developments over the past nearly eight decades under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), expressed his belief that under the leadership of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam will continue to reap more achievements in socio-economic development, and its position in the international arena will be enhanced.

Meanwhile, David Prestieau from the Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB)’s political department praised Vietnam for its outstanding development, especially its efforts to achieve the United Nations' millennium development goals.

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has shown that policies and actions of the Party and State of Vietnam to protect the people, control the health crisis and recover the economy are much more effective than those of other countries across the world, he said.

Prestieau reaffirmed that the PTB shares the values of Vietnamese socialism, expressing the desire to continue working closely with Vietnam and join hands with the Southeast Asian nation in building a more equitable and sustainable world.

Lao Ambassador to Belgium Kingphokeo Phommahaxay said he hopes that that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's book will soon be translated into Laotian and published in his country so that the Lao people can understand more about the history of the long-standing close relationship between the two countries.

Dutch Version of Party Leader’s Book on Socialism Launched in Brussels
Ambassador and Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to Belgium and the European Union (EU) Nguyen Van Thao speaks at the event. Photo: VNA

Delegates expressed their belief that the book will importantly contribute to promoting the image of Vietnam more widely to international friends, helping them understand more fully, deeply and comprehensively about the national construction and development, as well as the path towards socialism in the Southeast Asian nation.

In his speech at the event, Ambassador and Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to Belgium and the European Union (EU) Nguyen Van Thao emphasized that since gaining independence in 1945, the Vietnamese people have chosen the path towards socialism, with the goal of building an independent, self-resilient, prosperous and strong country where its people can enjoy a prosperous and happy life.

Over the past 78 years, under the Party's leadership, the Vietnamese people have overcome all difficulties, and achieved many breakthrough achievements, he stressed, adding that Vietnam has emerged as a dynamic economy, becoming an important link in global economic linkages.

Thao affirmed that in its development process, Vietnam always appreciates the solidarity and friendship as well as the valuable support and cooperation of international friends.

The diplomat took the occasion to thank the Workers' Party of Belgium for helping translate the book into Dutch and for closely coordinating with the Vietnamese Embassy recently.

The Vietnamese version of the book, titled “Mot so van de ly luan va thuc tien ve chu nghia xa hoi va con duong di len chu nghia xa hoi o Viet Nam”, was launched on the occasion of the 92nd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 - 2022), Nhan dan (People) Newspaper said.

Ambassador and Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to Belgium and the European Union (EU) Nguyen Van Thao speaks at the event (Photo: VNA)
The book in Vietnamese and some of its foreign language versions. Photo: VNA

As one of the highly influential publications of the Party leader, it gathers his 29 outstanding articles and speeches, aiming to help cadres, Party members, and people gain an insight into socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam so as to promote consensus in society and bring into play the great national solidarity to achieve the strategic goals set by the Party, late President Ho Chi Minh, and the people.

Some 30,000 copies of the Vietnamese version have been published so far.

The book has also grabbed attention from researchers, scholars, and readers in other countries. Given this, it has been translated and published in foreign languages, firstly English, Chinese, Lao, Russian, French, Spanish, and Dutch, to introduce the Vietnamese Party and State’s viewpoints, guidelines, and policies on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam to the world and help international friends and overseas Vietnamese learn more about the land, people, culture, reform, and development of the country.

More than 11,000 copies of the book in seven foreign languages have been published and provided for diplomatic agencies and organizations both at home and abroad.

Their online versions are also free on the publisher’s website, www.stbook.vn. Readers can also scan QR codes on the paper versions’ back covers to access the respective online versions./.

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