Homeland Spring Brings Cultural Beauty of Vietnamese Tet to Australia

This is the first time "Homeland Spring" has been held on a large scale in Northern Australia with the participation of many artists and artisans from Vietnam.
March 04, 2024 | 23:40

The Vietnamese Consulate General in Perth in coordination with the Australian Vietnamese Family Association (AVFA) and artists and artisans from Ho Chi Minh City organized an event in Palmerston City on March 2 to promote Vietnamese culture in the Tet (Lunar New Year) festival, VNA reported.

The large-scale event saw the participation of many Australian officials, as well as Vietnamese people and foreign friends in Northern Australia.

Homeland Spring Brings Cultural Beauty of Vietnamese Tet to Australia
International friends with their calligraphy works. Photo: AVFA

The event is not only a meeting place, a place to spread the new spring atmosphere to the Vietnamese community when Tet comes, but through activities and folk games, it helps bring new cultural experiences to international friends in Northern Australia; thereby promoting mutual understanding and especially so that the younger generation of Vietnamese people born in Australia do not forget their roots.

It featured the art of tea drinking, calligraphy, “ao dai” (traditional long dress) shows, art performances, Vietnamese handicrafts, and folk games.

Consul General Nguyen Thanh Ha briefed the participants on Vietnam’s outstanding achievements in 2023, and the Vietnam-Australia relations, and lauded contributions by the Vietnamese community to local socio-economic development, and the bilateral ties.

Homeland Spring Brings Cultural Beauty of Vietnamese Tet to Australia
Lion dance at the event. Photo: AVFA

Regarding the Vietnamese community in Northern Australia, Ha said that although the community is modest, with only more than 2,500 people, it has made outstanding contributions to the local socio-economic development, recognized and appreciated by local authorities. At the same time, it plays the role of a bridge, actively connecting Northern Australia and Vietnam.

The diplomat expressed her hope that Northern Australia’s authorities will further facilitate such cultural activities, and boost trade, investment and tourism links between the two sides.

Previously, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Australia, in December 2023, the Consulate General of Vietnam in Western Australia and the Northern Australia also invited tea master Ngo Thi Thanh Tam, people with experience in international cultural exchange activities, attending and performing tea ceremony art in Western Australia.

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