Irish Embassy Grants Support for Vietnamese UXO-Contaminated Province

Established in 2001, Project RENEW has received strong support and appreciation from the local people and government as well as international organizations including Irish Embassy in Vietnam, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the US Department of State and many others.
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Project RENEW, a joint effort between the provincial authorities and international non-governmental organizations to reduce the number of victims of cluster bombs and other unexploded ordnances left over from the war, has been awarded a significant grant of EUR 361,502 (about USD 395.000) by the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam, according to its press release on July 17.

This vital funding will support Project RENEW’s “Victim Assistance/Disability Support and Mine Risk Education” project, bringing vital aid to landmine victims and promoting safety awareness in both Quang Tri and Quang Ngai provinces.

Irish Embassy Grants EUR 361,502 Supporting Vietnamese UXO-Contaminated Province

Development Counselor of Irish Embassy in Vietnam, Seán Farrell, speaks to local students of Cam Nghia Commune during the explosive ordnance risk education session at Bang Son 3 Sub-school, Quang Tri province, in March 17, 2022. Source: Project RENEW

The project will provide comprehensive support to landmine victims, including those with disabilities. Additionally, crucial explosive ordnance risk education programs will be implemented within selected communities. Equipping residents with the knowledge to stay safe is critical, as tragically exemplified by the recent May 13 incident, in which a man in Quang Tri lost his life due to unexploded ordnance.

The funding will allow RENEW to expand its existing efforts and reach more people in need.

“This generous grant from the Irish Embassy is a testament to Ireland’s continued commitment to supporting Vietnamese communities most affected by the war’s consequences,” said Nguyen Hieu Trung, Coordination Manager of Project RENEW. ”This funding will allow us to significantly improve the lives of landmine victims and prevent future tragedies through education.”

The grant breakdown allocates EUR 304,502 for activities in Quang Tri, the province most heavily impacted by UXO. Quang Ngai province will receive EUR 57,000 to address similar needs within its communities.

Ireland is a longstanding development partner of Quang Tri province, and the embassy has supported the province through programmes focusing on poverty reduction in ethnic minority groups, nutrition, humanitarian mine action, and emergency responses.

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