Irish Embassy Grants Support for Vietnamese UXO-Contaminated Province

Irish Embassy Grants Support for Vietnamese UXO-Contaminated Province

Established in 2001, Project RENEW has received strong support and appreciation from the local people and government as well as international organizations including Irish Embassy in Vietnam, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the US Department of State and many others.
Care and Support for Landmine Survivors in Quang Ngai

Care and Support for Landmine Survivors in Quang Ngai

Landmines and other explosives inflict injuries that have a devastating impact on families.
NPA/RENEW Works to Safely Release Vĩnh Linh's Land Back to Productive Use

NPA/RENEW Works to Safely Release Vĩnh Linh's Land Back to Productive Use

The Norwegian People’s Aid/Project RENEW (NPA/RENEW) works to clear agricultural land from remnants of the war and help farmers resume production.
Communication Sessions Shine Light on UXO Dangers for Ethnic Children in Quang Tri

Communication Sessions Shine Light on UXO Dangers for Ethnic Children in Quang Tri

The “Restoring the Environment and Neutralizing the Effects of the War” (RENEW) project is using soccer to educate children living in Quang Tri province about the dangers of landmines and other explosive remnants of war.
Project RENEW Implements Initiatives to Support People with Disabilities in Quang Tri

Project RENEW Implements Initiatives to Support People with Disabilities in Quang Tri

The “Restoring the Environment and Neutralising the Effects of the War” (RENEW) project aims to help the central province of Quang Tri, known as one of the provinces hardest hit by the war, settle post-war bomb and landmine impacts.
RENEW Communicates on Mine Accident Prevention for Students in Quang Tri and Quang Ngai

RENEW Communicates on Mine Accident Prevention for Students in Quang Tri and Quang Ngai

In April 2024, Project RENEW coordinated with local district youth unions and schools to organize many communication activities to prevent mine accidents for students in Quang Tri and Quang Ngai provinces.
Friends of Project RENEW to Expand Operation Sphere in Vietnam

Friends of Project RENEW to Expand Operation Sphere in Vietnam

Phan Anh Son, Vice President, General Secretary of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) met with Bob Frank, Chairman of Friends of Project RENEW (FPR) and Chuck Searcy, member of FPR's Director Board in Hanoi on May 12.
NGO Continues Clearance of Explosive Ordnance in Quang Tri Province until 2025

NGO Continues Clearance of Explosive Ordnance in Quang Tri Province until 2025

The “Restoring the Environment and Neutralising the Effects of the War” (RENEW) project will be continuing in 2023-2025 period in Quang Tri province.
American Friends Raise Funds to Support Overcoming War Consequences in Quang Ngai

American Friends Raise Funds to Support Overcoming War Consequences in Quang Ngai

Donations made a few minutes prior to the conclusion of the fundraising reception have helped RENEW secure USD 100,000 needed to expand their work into Quang Ngai province.
Quang Tri Race to Become UXO-Free in 2025

Quang Tri Race to Become UXO-Free in 2025

Quang Tri is doing its best to become the first province to be safe from UXOs.
Quang Tri: Cache of More Than 30 UXOs Discovered

Quang Tri: Cache of More Than 30 UXOs Discovered

Resuming operations after Tet holiday, NPA/RENEW teams safely destroyed dozens of unexploded ordnance.
Irish Aid Helps Destitute Families in Quang Tri Enjoy Lunar New Year

Irish Aid Helps Destitute Families in Quang Tri Enjoy Lunar New Year

Irish Aid helped non-profit brighten the holiday season for destitute families in Quang Tri province.
Care for Poor Pupils, Foreign Students

Care for Poor Pupils, Foreign Students

On the threshold of the traditional lunar New Year, special attention was paid to poor pupils and foreign students
Quang Tri: RENEW Helps Reactivate Disabled Children's Rehabilitation Centers

Quang Tri: RENEW Helps Reactivate Disabled Children's Rehabilitation Centers

RENEW's support helps to reactivate rehabilitation centers for disabled children in Cam Nghia Commune and Gio Linh Townlet of Quang Tri Province.
Raising Hope for Children Affected by Covid-19

Raising Hope for Children Affected by Covid-19

Precautions need to be taken to minimize the risks of Covid-19 in school settings.
Quang Tri: Risk education reduces danger of explosive ordnance

Quang Tri: Risk education reduces danger of explosive ordnance

Explosive ordnance disposal teams are still working amidst the Covid-19 pandemic which hasn’t not yet been totally contained.
Natural disaster recovery assistance for Quang Tri's education sector

Natural disaster recovery assistance for Quang Tri's education sector

In the wake of a natural disaster, children have a high need for protection and education.
US veterans raise fund to help locals in Quang Tri

US veterans raise fund to help locals in Quang Tri

US veterans gave bicycles to children affected by floods and funded new kitchen and bathrooms at the Quang Tri province's Blind Center.
A large number of UXOs found in Quang Tri

A large number of UXOs found in Quang Tri

Nearly 500 explosives were safely destroyed on April 9 by a Norwegian People’s Aid/Project RENEW explosive ordnance disposal team at NPA/RENEW’s central demolition site in Trieu Trach Commune of the central province of Quang Tri.
Explosive ordnance risk education for students in Quang Tri

Explosive ordnance risk education for students in Quang Tri

Designed as a participant’s experience-centered playing ground, the Mine Risk Education integrated extracurricular activity was attended by over 200 schoolchildren; teachers and Youth Union officials in Cam Lo District (Quang Tri Province) attended the event.
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