Over 20 Int'l Organizations Develop Plans to Reduce Natural Disaster Risks in Vietnam

Developing natural disaster insurance; technology transfer to respond to natural disasters; improving the early natural disaster warning system; establishing a quick response group to respond to natural disasters, are proposals from more than 20 international organizations to prevent, respond, and minimize the loss of life and property caused by natural disasters in Vietnam.
March 05, 2024 | 10:52

A meeting to build the plan organized by Vietnam Disaster and Dike Management Authority (VDDMA) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was held on March 2, which saw the participation of representatives of disaster risk reduction partners such as UN Women, Action Aid, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Vietnam Office and Plan International in Vietnam.

The meeting had the participation of nearly 100 delegates from more than 20 international and international non-governmental organizations such as JICA Vietnam, Plan International in Vietnam, UN Women, World Vision, among others.

Participants engaged in discussions related to early actions, disaster information, public awareness enhancement and community-based disaster risk reduction, emergency response, knowledge exchange and capacity building for disaster risk reduction partners.

Over 20 Int'l Organizations Develope Plans to Reduce Natural Disaster Risks in Vietnam
Delegates presented proposals and comments on the development of the 2025-2030 Plan of the Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Partnership. Photo: Mai Anh

The disaster risk reduction partnership's plan for 2025-2030 will be developed in accordance with the Government of Vietnam's priorities on natural disaster prevention as well as in line with the strategic goals of all partners, Pauline Tamesis, resident coordinator of the United Nations in Vietnam said.

Tamesis said the plan will aim to strengthen Vietnam's resilience by focusing on key areas such as coordinated policies, risk-inclusive development planning, and community awareness.

“The natural disaster risk reduction plan in Vietnam in the coming period will be based on the community, the implemented items will all come from the needs of the people themselves. Implementing early planning helps gather adequate information and provide early warnings. From there, it helps partners be proactive in deploying and balancing appropriate budget sources," said Tamesis.

Hoang Phuong Thao, representative of ActionAid International in Vietnam, said that in more than 30 years of operation in Vietnam, community-based natural disaster risk prevention and control programs have always been given great priority by ActionAid. Many programs aimed at preparing in advance, responding during and recovering after natural disasters have been implemented such as supporting crop and livestock livelihoods, building people's bridges, and installing energy-powered lighting systems.

Developing plans early helps create a favorable legal environment for implementing natural disaster risk reduction activities, promoting solidarity among members of the Natural Risk Reduction Partnership, in which each member contributes to the overall success of the partnership in disaster risk reduction initiatives in Vietnam.

Over 20 Int'l Organizations Develope Plans to Reduce Natural Disaster Risks in Vietnam
Pauline Tamesis, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Vietnam. Photo: Khanh Huy

Addressing the event, Pham Doan Khanh of the VDDMA said the development of the plan is important to coordinate efforts to reduce natural disaster risks and enhance Vietnam's resilience to natural disasters.

The plan should encourage the participation of all members of the partnership in disaster risk management activities, establish a unified forum to promote mutual support among members, and facilitate access to funding sources for disaster risk reduction initiatives, Khanh said, adding that the plan will also create a favorable legal environment for the implementation of disaster risk reduction activities of all partners and ensures their compliance with regulations of the Vietnamese Government.

Assessing that each international organization has its own priorities, and operating areas as well as partners with different characteristics, Vu Xuan Thanh, VDDMA deputy head, hopes to play the role of connecting organizations, creating mechanisms and forums for all parties to coordinate closely, and especially make effective use of resources and avoid overlaps.

Thanh affirmed that the Partnership Office will coordinate with the Office of the UN in Vietnam to summarize the discussion contents. A draft updated plan and more detailed consultation with Partner members and relevant parties will soon be completed and submitted to the partnership co-chair for approval.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Partnership (DRRP) was established under the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Decision No. 3922/QD-BNN-TCCB, with the participation of 20 international organizations and four ministries. Members of the DRR are agencies responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring national and global policies on natural disaster prevention and control, including intergovernmental, governmental, and non-governmental organizations, and financial institutions.

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