Quick Energy Boost, Power Up for Peak Season

The pressure of work during peak seasons causes many workers to lose focus and feel tired. However, this is when they need to accelerate their work to affirm their abilities and personal courage. How can we stay alert during these demanding periods?
September 09, 2024 | 09:39
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In the era of the knowledge economy, the value of labor is not assessed based on the time they sit in the office but on the quality of work they contribute to the organization, the enterprise. Quality will create quantity and is the key to help them affirm their value and ability.

Quick Energy Boost, Power Up for Peak Season
Peak season with overwhelming deadlines makes many office workers tired and lose focus.

Labor quality depends largely on each person's ability to concentrate. However, in reality, the human brain cannot operate at 100% capacity all day. Trying to focus for a long time can overload the brain, making it unable to make accurate decisions at work.

Many office workers, including Quoc Kha, an accountant in Ho Chi Minh City, are struggling with a lack of concentration during peak seasons with numerous deadlines. His job, which involves constant interaction with numbers, requires a high level of focus and precision. 'At the end of the month and quarter, our accounting department is at its busiest. Not only does the workload double, but we also need to concentrate twice as hard to meet deadlines and avoid any errors. During these periods, everyone is overwhelmed and exhausted,' Kha said.

Phung Nhat Minh, a customer service representative in Hanoi, experiences similar fatigue due to the constant influx of calls. 'I have been in customer service for four years, but it's challenging to maintain energy and focus throughout the day. Besides making countless calls, I also have to meet targets for call volume, customer satisfaction, and issue resolution. It's inevitable to feel tired,' Minh shared.

Energy is an important factor for working under high intensity and pressure conditions.
Energy is an important factor for working under high intensity and pressure conditions.

Daily activities already consume a significant amount of energy, and working under high-intensity and pressure conditions burns even more. Without timely replenishment, the body quickly becomes exhausted and loses focus. Over time, this directly impacts work performance and overall health. Adequate energy replenishment during work not only maximizes concentration but also contributes to increased productivity and efficiency.

'During peak periods, accounting staff like me often have to work overtime. Eight hours is never enough. People don't have time for lunch breaks and may even have to work late at night at home. Concentration is crucial to meet deadlines during these times, so I often choose to use Number 1 energy drink to replenish energy and stay alert while working. The delicious flavor provides a refreshing sensation, instantly boosting my work motivation,' Kha said.

Number 1 energy drink is also a favorite of Nhat Minh, who has been using it to fuel her customer service work since the beginning. 'When I first started, I wanted to quit many times because I was so tired. But after using Number 1 energy drink to replenish my energy, I was able to keep up with the workload,' Minh shared.

Quick Energy Boost, Power Up for Peak Season
Number 1 energy drink is chosen by many workers to replenish energy and regain focus at work.

Launched in 2001, Number 1 energy drink has consistently maintained its leading position in the energy drink market. Produced using German aseptic cold filling technology, Number 1 has been awarded the National Brand title seven consecutive times. The product stands out with its delicious flavor, refreshing sensation, and ability to quickly replenish energy and restore alertness. This is also the factor that has earned Number 1 the trust of a large number of workers, not only helping them to reduce time and increase work efficiency but also boosting their motivation to contribute to their work, thereby confidently creating their own unique values.

Launched in 2001, Number 1 Energy Drink has consistently been among the most popular energy drinks, providing energy to millions of consumers across Vietnam. With ingredients that provide instant energy, Number 1 Energy Drink has become a familiar companion to many workers in various industries, helping them overcome challenges and difficulties in work and life, and be ready to become the best version of themselves.

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