Seminar Highlights the Importance of Youth in People-to-people Diplomacy

The seminar entitled "Identity of People-to-people Diplomacy Officers in the New Era and the Requirements placed on Young Officers of the Central Agencies Group" was held in Hanoi on April 2 by the Executive Committee of the Youth Union of the Viet Nam Union of Friendly Organizations in coordination with the Vietnam Institute for International and Public Diplomacy Studies, the Youth Union of the CPV Central Committee's Commission for External Relations, and the Youth Union of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
April 05, 2024 | 15:22

Present at the seminar, from the CPV's Committee of Central-level Agencies' Group, were Nguyen Van The, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Group; and Dinh Xuan Tung Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Commission for Mass Mobilization of the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Group.

From the Youth Union of Central Agencies Group, there was Bui Hoang Tung, Member of the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union, Secretary of the Youth Union of Central Agencies Group.

From the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations, there was Phan Anh Son, Secretary of the Party Union, Secretary of the Party Committee, and President of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations.

The seminar also had the participation of speakers; Secretary, Deputy Secretary, officials specialized in youth union activities and youth union members of grassroots agencies under the Union of Central Agencies Group.

Seminar Highlights the Importance of Youth in People-to-people Diplomacy
Seminar "Identity of people-to-people diplomacy officers in the New Era and the requirements placed on young officers of the central agencies group," held in Hanoi on April 2.

In his opening remark, Dong Huy Cuong, Head of the Organization and Personnel Department, Head of the Vietnam Institute for International and Public Diplomacy Studies (under the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations) said: Generations of people-to-people diplomacy officers have developed the sector's strengths, which can also be considered as its identity. It is the flexibility, persuasion with humanity, and conquest with morality that contributed to creating an unprecedentedly extensive front of the world's people supporting Vietnam in the two resistance wars for national independence.

People's diplomacy has accompanied the party's foreign affairs and state diplomacy to proactively initiate, break the blockade and embargo, promote the normalization of relations with important partners, and mobilize the support of people around the world to help Vietnam overcome the consequences of war and rebuild the country. In the cause of innovation and international integration, people-to-people diplomacy has well promoted the motto: "Proactive, flexible, creative, effective," making important contributions to the cause of national protection, construction, and development.

To fulfill its role, to live up to the hopes and trust of the leaders of the Party, State, the Party Union and leaders of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations always pay attention to improving the quality of the staff working in foreign affairs. people, including young officials.

The seminar "Identity of People-to-people Diplomacy Officers in the New Era and the Requirements placed on Young Officers of the Central Agencies Group" is a forum for officials on people-to-people foreign affairs and Youth Union members of the Central Agencies Group to share their views on the identity and qualities required of officials working in people-to-people diplomacy in the new era, thereby, determining the requirements and tasks set for youth in central agencies to build their own identity.

With the theme "Identity of people-to-people diplomacy officers in the new era and the requirements placed on young officers of the central agencies group," the seminar focused on discussing two main topics: The definition of identity and identity of people-to-people diplomacy officers; and Building the identity of people-to-people diplomacy officers and requirements for young officers of the Central Agencies Group.

Seminar Highlights the Importance of Youth in People-to-people Diplomacy
Speakers at the panel talk (Photo: Dinh Hoa).

According to the panelists, the identity of people-to-people diplomacy officers changes to suit the context and situation. People-to-people diplomacy officers need to have the common qualities of foreign affairs officers, including firm political will; professional qualifications and skills; good morals; and capability of integration... Besides, they need to have flexibility and adaptability.

To build identity, according to Tran Huu Duy Minh, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Law, Secretary of the Youth Union of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, young officials working in people-to-people diplomacy need to build self-discipline; constantly study, strive to grow, and learn from colleagues and supervisors.

Pham Van Chuong, Former Standing Deputy Head of the CPV's Commission for External Relations, said that Youth Union members of central agencies need to make efforts to cultivate and train themselves. In particular, foreign languages are a means and tool to access and absorb humanity's endless knowledge. Foreign language is a necessary and useful carry-on luggage to help young people improve their capacity to perform professional and advisory tasks. To learn a foreign language well, three elements, passion, patience, and practice, need to be focused on.

According to Dong Huy Cuong, young officials need to have a fondness for their profession; determine goals to strive for; make efforts to study and practice; have an inquiring attitude, and be willing to receive feedback and comments.

Youngt to Strive to Promote Identity of People-to-people Diplomacy Officers in New Era
Nguyen Van The, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Group delivered a speech (Photo: Dinh Hoa).

Speaking at the seminar, Nguyen Van The, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Group highly appreciated the coordination and organization by the Executive Committee of the Youth Union of the Viet Nam Union of Friendly Organizations, the Vietnam Institute for International and Public Diplomacy Studies, the Youth Union of the CPV Central Committee's Commission for External Relations, and the Youth Union of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Nguyen Van The hopes that units under the central agencies will replicate this model to build a unique identity for each agency and unit; thereby clearly understanding the role and position of each unit to well implement the government's requirements. When interacting with international friends, each union member needs to promote his role as a people-to-people diplomacy officer to convey the image of the country and people of Vietnam; and mobilize support from international friends for Vietnam. Each union member needs to learn lessons for themselves in their work to gradually develop, meet the requirements and tasks set out by their organization, and build the young generation to inherit the cause of national development.

Youngt to Strive to Promote Identity of People-to-people Diplomacy Officers in New Era
Phan Anh Son, President of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations delivered a speech (Photo: Dinh Hoa).

Phan Anh Son, President of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations, said that in recent years, the world situation has witnessed many fluctuations, complex developments, and rapid changes. Vietnam's position and power are growing stronger, but are easily influenced by the general world context. Different from party foreign affairs and state diplomacy, people-to-people diplomacy is special in its "soft power" that comes from the ability to persuade and mobilize international friends to support the cause of revolution, international integration, and construction. and national development of Vietnam. This power comes from the qualities, abilities, or identity of people-to-people diplomacy, which lies in its philosophy and profound nature, that is international mass mobilization to persuade friends to support and sympathize with Vietnam.

According to Phan Anh Son, it is necessary to launch a learning movement among central agencies. The 13th Party Congress set out three strategic breakthroughs: to holistically improve our institutions; to build a holistic and modern socio-economic infrastructure system; and to promote human resources development, particularly qualified human resources.

Young officials and youth union members are the foundation to build a future of high-quality human resources. Youth union members and young people need to have correct awareness about work and study. Accordingly, it is necessary to link theory with practice; to be persistent toward the set goal; to change thoughts, which leads to changing actions and forming habits to achieve success. Phan Anh Son hopes that the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of the Youth Unions under the Union of Central Agencies Group will proactively carry out practical actions, thereby promoting positive changes among youth union members in the coming time.

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