10 Vietnamese offer lung donations for British COVID-19 patient
15:55 | 14/05/2020
Vietnam has mounted an all-out effort to save life of the British pilot, its most critical COVID-19 patient. So far, ten Vietnamese have volunteered to donate piece of their lung to help this man.

Vietnam News Today: Two Vietnamese volunteered to donate lungs to critical British COVID-19 patient
22:45 | 13/05/2020
Again the Vietnamese people get wow as they show their willingness toward sharing amid the difficulties of COVID-19 pandemic. Today news of Vietnam also features some more latest stories.

Double lung transplant performed on COVID-19-infected patient in China
17:36 | 03/03/2020
The first double lung transplant for a patient infected with novel coronavirus pneumonia was successfully performed in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu province, on Saturday (Feb 29).
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